Hey Hordies, about your warchief

How it feels to be leaded by a pointy ears gentlelve as trolls, orcs and Tauren ? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Post before magic card “ree we have a council :dracthyr_lulmao:


" Glory to the Si… Haem to the horde, yes the horde haem… "

Warchief Blackhand must shake in his own tomb

It feels positively fabulous. :nail_care:

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Pretty sure horde is 95% blood elves at this point.

If only he was Warchief.

Not a fan of the council at all.

I mean our leaders aren’t strolling around incognito while pondering about the Nippler for years.

We elves control and manage the planet.


Lor’themar doesn’t even want to be king why do you think he would accept being warchief. He wants to be in battle not talking with diplomats or other political nonsense.

Dis be pretty weak bait. But ya got de bias elf involved, so a point dere. Him be sure to keep it goin’.

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I basically am a leader at this point, so idc.

Campfire for Warchief!

I would either vote Lantresor or making it a full scale human style monarchy with one of the remaining old families from the Orcs. Like can’t be worse right?

Don’t you call him Bob?

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I used to but I became annoyed people got confused whom I talk about. Not sure which name I prefer for the future.

Eyepatch of course.

Bob is an inside joke from the Blizzcon 2008. If you remember it you are a legend.

confused Vulpera noises

Na high elf appearance on void elf removed the posers (tongue in cheek)

Invite the Gnolls to the horde and make Mon-Ark the Warchief.

If we get another animal race it should be Hozen.

Current horde is not Gul’dan’s Blackhand’s horde. Thrall made a new horde that was supposed to be different hence the undead and elves.