Hey there again!

Hey there AD community. I’ve been taking recently a pause from WoW to wait and see how things evolve in the expansion and I’m willing to continue my adventures. Now the question also comes, how is the state of the Horde RP side of the realm?

Welcome back! While I am more experienced on Alliance I believe this thread may be of some help :slight_smile:

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Hello and welcome back
Tl;dr, horde side is very guild based for RP now, and i assume more military stuff, and several troll guilds rose aswell, and some rebellion stuff goes on to a degree…

…also there are some horde RP communities if you wish to join, you can poke me on discord

Good luck :slight_smile:

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I’ve always been a fan of Horde side RP, and personally I wouldn’t say it’s Guild based much at all (though that is a big part of it), but it depends on where you are and who you interact with (also your character concept I suppose).

Though it’s true there’s definitely not as much roleplay compared to Alliance, I would say despite that, the quality is better.

Unfortunately as well, which is one of the only things I miss about Alliance RP, Orgrimmar isn’t used as widely as it could be for RP. People fairly frequently just congregate in the Valley of Honor and stay there, when there are so many other more interesting places around Orgrimmar that could be used.

That doesn’t mean it’s done all the time, mind you. I’ve had some pretty cool RP as I IC travel everywhere, and you run into Horde side characters all over the place sometimes (Crossroads, Ratchet, Booty Bay, Pandaria, chances are if you IC travel you’ll find RP in the most unexpected of places)

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