How's this realm for horde overall?

I want to play horde in AD and i want to know how is the realm for horde players.

I’m interested in playing just for fun (which i already do in my realm) -BUT- i want to know if there’s enough population interested in raiding, mythic+, PvP, and casual roleplaying if i feel like it (i love wow lore, but not outside of my character, so horde is my faction).

Nothing special, just want to know if horde AD is decent for doing anything.

It’s very decent but the population isn’t as big as Alliance. I am not sure or aware of any raiding, mythic+, PvP guilds.

However, the Role-Playing aspect for the Horde is VERY guild based. You can go off by yourself, but the large majority of Horde RP is actually in guilds.


You dont need a guild to RP hordeside. You just need the balls to talk to people :+1:


In terms of raiding, there are a couple of guilds who run rather relaxed and go for HC only and some guilds that go and push for cutting edge too. depending on your personal preference there should be a guild out there. maybe a bit harder to find compared to RP guilds

This, basically.

Gamewise, I’m not really an expert on non-RP guilds, but most guilds do some content to my knowledge. When I was in Frozen Paw Clan there was always someone doing something when they weren’t RPing. Oh and the Rotgarde’s pretty into PvP I think.


Can’t answer the PVE part of your question, but there’s a large PVP guild Horde side named Blood Guard - those guys might be worth looking into. You won’t have any trouble finding casual RP, though if you aren’t guilded most of it’ll be based in the usual hubs, i.e. Orgrimmar and SMC

Best of luck!


It’s As the friends said above, for rp side, you can find some casual rp, yet it’s more guild based…
I think there are guilds who do all aspects of game, yet sadly not sure which ones…

Good luck :slight_smile:

Very much guild based for RP, with a particular tendency for spoonfeeding as well.

If you’re new to roleplay I would instead recommend Alliance to get a greater breadth and depth of what is on offer. You will find very “niche” areas of RP on Horde, with very particular mindsets entrenched there. It isn’t for everyone honestly.

Alliance also has a much larger scene for everything else, raiding and pvp (of which many also roleplay) and other activities. The Alliance - Horde pop ratio is something 70% - 30% Alliance/Horde here.

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The roleplay is a lot better than on the Alliance. Check it out!


This is a very biased statement to be quite honest. And not one I’ve seen anything to support.

This is probably true, though I have no idea about the actual percentages.


This with no bias whatsoever, of course. Besides, the H:A ratio is ridiculous enough as is. More reds are always welcome

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Census data reports that being the approximate percentage.

As the general pattern tends to be, people try Alliance then continue onto Horde if it’s their style. So while yes, more Horde players would be nicer lets make sure they are players who like what is on offer there first? Needless to have people joining who don’t want to RP there right?

Don’t let them fool you.

Horde doesn’t exist on AD.

Aldo drags out his pistol and shoot Ilyadris on the knee.

Thanks everyone for participating, you helped me to clear my ideas.

One day i’m gonna level up to 120 on AD horde and maybe transfer my main and a pair of characters with the wow token.

Lok’tar friend.

Doubt, in ten letters.

Horde is quite diverse and rich in different guilds and concepts. It’s harder to find casual RP than on the alliance but it’s possible. There’s always someone in Orgrimmar.

Should you decide to join us, I can guarantee that you shall find a group you’ll have fun with.

There are several guilds that are 7/9 M or higher in BoD. Not top 100 to be sure, but decently well if you’re a semi hardcore player.

I don’t know of any PVP guilds. Plenty RP guilds, obviously. But you don’t need a guild to find roleplay.

It’s good. At least visually. I see way more people with true horde outfits than when grouping in lfg for m+ and stuff. Population is usually nice.

Just beware of warmode, every time I tried it I got swarmed by alliance, our shard is a mess. « Hordemode » is something I Nevers got to experience.

There are some sweet spots I used to farm allies but they tend to run away and come back with friends since the blues lack everything, starting with courage.

Try to change from blood elf though we need more blood, bones and’ furrs than a pretty face but I guess we can work with what we got.

You forgot her other knee.

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