Hey folks,
We have decided to open up a small community to allow players an opportunity to test themselves in M+. We are aiming specifically towards players who fall into the below brackets:
Shy and insecure when joining random PuGs
Unsure of class and role skill
Always ignored when applying for a group
What we don’t want is elitism and high expectations. Here you can expect a calm atmosphere with the opportunity to try a key that you had previously had issues with. We want to help and learn together, we don’t always care about timing and prefer a fun and positive attitude most of all.
This is not a serious key push community so don’t expect that, it’s a learning community as priority.
Here you can join the discord, after a brief chat you will be given a rank to reflect community standing.
You may also add me LFC#21212 should you have any questions prior to joining.
Hey folks,
We have added several new members to the community, even managed to time a few keys. Sadly our 10 key failed due to bugged boss but we shall continue with more keys tonight
All classes and roles accepted, the only restriction would be a suitable ilvl and output for higher keys. We will and do run keys of various levels so no-one should be left out.
I’m auto ruled out here lol never done a mythic or key etc I play casual and quite slow to be honest.
WoW has always been for the social aspect. I used to raid years ago, but with kids and a RL it’s more restricted.
I’ve only just unlocked heroics which I’m still nervous about doing! My ilvl could be beat by a kid and skills are below standard on a good day!
Like I said, for me it’s just about having a group of ppl to have a natter with while I mooch around and complete quests and dungeons etc.
I appreciate that you don’t think our community would suit you even though you haven’t really spoke with us, I really hope you find somewhere that benefits you though.
Community bump
Been several days since we started the community and already have a few new members that have joined us for random keys. We finished last weeks reset off with an 11 key and plan to do the same or better this reset. All levels of keys should be available from our members so you have the opportunity to jump in if spots are open.
We are seeking all spec and class combinations, experience not required as we learn together. Access to our guild discord (limited access) so we have voice for grouping up, keys most nights except Friday/Saturdays.