[H]Grey Log Squad 4/8M- Recruiting DPS for Undermine(d)

Guild Name: Grey Log Squad
Server: EU-Draenor

The guild was founded during the Shadowlands era and has evolved into a very solid & fun community thanks to our amazing members and still going strong. We are very active both in game and on discord no matter if it is a dead period for game or not.

What we expect:

-Chilled , Respectful and Friendly Members who can blend into our community and willing to be a part of the community - not only for personal progress.
-Consistent raiders with consumables and the best enchants available for your class and being vocal when needed.
-Knowledgeable about your respective class/spec, willingness to improve such as simming your character and checking out all the resources available related to your class/spec.
-Everyone helps each other in the guild and we expect the same from everyone.
-No toxicity of any kind - Zero tolerance for this one.

What we offer :

  • A chill, comfortable, and consistent raid group with decent players and raid leading.
  • A stable and active guild with a friendly environment.
  • New friends to play and push keys with.
  • Bad banters.
  • A home.

Raid Schedule:
Our raiding schedule is designed to accommodate busy lives while still making significant progress. We raid twice a week, every Monday and Thursday from 20:00 to 23:00 gametime (server time). This allows our members to balance their real-life commitments while still keep up with raiding.
Our goal is to conquer ahead of the curve achievements and then progress as far as we can in Mythic difficulty. We managed get 4-5 bosses down on myhtic each tier in Dragonflight. May try go bit deeper in TTW If the team asks for it.

Mythic+ :
Beyond raiding, we have have very active members generally and regularly run Mythic+ keys. We play keys daily, pushing or helping, or even fill the vaults for our alts. Our Mythic + players range from vault fillers up to the higher keys obtaining scores around 3500 each season.

Classes We Are Seeking:

Currently, we are actively searching for active and like-minded players. We want to bolster the numbers by adding 2 or 3 dps to have a healthier roster for myhtic progress. Classes/specs we are seeking;

-Aug & Dev Evoker
-Havoc Demon hunter
-Elemental Shaman
-Druid ( Balance )
-Bm/Mm hunter
-Shadow priest

*M+ players and socials are more than welcome.

To join us or inquire further, please reach out to Battle Tag - Dotftw#2130 or Discord - Zip_pi#1189 , or /w Zippi-Draenor in game.

Good luck with the logs,
Grey Log Squad