Hi Draenor, some info please!

I am thinking of joining your realm (Horde) but it looks as if there is a very, very low Alliance population. Is world PVP non-existent then? Ideally I’d like to be able to play all aspects of gameplay equally and I do like world PvP.


It doesn’t really matter because of sharding. I joined draenor about 2 months before the launch of Shadowlands (without doing my research) and couldn’t play because of server lag/queues to get logged in. This was my bad, i would highly recommend moving to a high population server but not Draenor as it’s already classified as a full server. You can google realm population wow EU and pick a server that fits your needs.


Don’t join Draenor if you want to be able to play. I reccomend joining a high or medium pop server if you don’t want constant lag, DCS and queues. Hope this helps!

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Don’t worry Warmode puts you with 2 other Hordes and 10 Alliance anyway

I strongly advise not joining Draenor, it’s full, very full, I’m surprised it would even let ppl without chars here already transfer to or make new chars here


Go to Ragnaros, its “Full”, but without Draenor’s problems.
It is balanced, so yes you get fun WPvP etc.
I moved my main from Ragnaros to Draenor to be on the same realm as a friend, but regretting it, and too expensive to transfer back.

Alliance pop 17,211 vs Horde pop 148,264

better than Dreanor as we have double + more on horde and 1lk less alliance

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