I’m not gonna repeat the same thing people have said over and over. We all know the score.
Its been soon 3 years since you removed World Defense. Saying it felt out of place and you wanted to replace it.
Well… here we are pushing 3 years. Still nothing. Nor even a single word on it like " Yo. Here is the channel again. We’re gonna let you keep it as we work out something else"
Just… silence.
Can you please stop… and just put it back.
I dont want an apology. I dont want a post. I dont want any major explanation.
Glad someone bringed this up on the forum, its needed for us nerds.
WPvP are in a really bad place right now because of all the bad new future.
Let’s hope BFA Will Be an eye opener for the Wow devs. (low chanse but we all can dream)
World defense was my one way of getting good WPvP all day and anytime of the day you could also make noise in rando zones and find fights so easily but with it being gone now you cannot do that anymore you MUST go to naz or mecha and hope to god you have a good phase so you can fight but even so you will just end up with these huge zergs which ruin it in my opinion and get huge delay on your skills.
So please for the love of god can we get back world defense it actually made the game feel like there was an element of player base when we had it, stop pruning classes and even game content.
Not everyone wants this game to be a dungeon runner or sit in arena and jerk yourself off over stupid glad mounts / titles some people enjoy WPvPm more and that’s the reason they play so for the love of god bring it back.
Also bring back realms get rid of warmode bring back RPPvP realms, PvP realms & PvE realms and remove sharding and update your trash servers.
The ugly orc is right. The world defense channel was my favourite thing to play with in WoW, and its removal pretty much marked the moment when my passion for the game started to decline. You could have world pvp wherever you wanted, it made the world feel alive and it brought people together and everybody could jump in instead of being sharded into oblivion.
If I could change one thing about the game, it would be bringing World Defense back. It was a better time with it.
What? Well it was much better before, it dosnt seem like you know anything about it.
They added WM because they though it would be an good idea, still the same problem as before.
People use LFG much more and fucck up the shard, so i dont know what you’re trying to point out
(forgot to add this, it seems like you talk about how Well the server runned. What i ment was how fun/better it was, meeting People from Your own server you joined, instead of phased and meeting random players all over, yikes)
Noone asked for sharding, noone asked for warmode, the servers stability before sharding was even introduced was completely fine. So the the zug zug above clearly is clueless on what he’s even talking about so I’d just ignore whatever he has to say lmao.
Ion doesn’t care about the game in general they just want to suck you dry with store mounts and dumb special offers for a mount and 6 month sub lmao.
But theoretically bringing back how the old servers merging the smaller servers with the bigger servers would fix alot of issues in general but you have these whiite knights that don’t wanna complain about anything that blizzard releases because too busy under Ion’s desk giving head.