[HIATUS] Clan Stormheart - Kirthaven's Roost 🦅

Well, Clan Stormheart have been at it AGAIN hosting another night of festivities, drinking and -FIGHTING-! All within the confines of our beloved Highlands, here is exactly what we’ve been up to o’ late!

Thread: [Khaz Modan-RP] Thundermar's Bare-Knuckle Brawl

But as always we don’t stray too far from Kirthaven, still very much on the look-out for fellow Wildhammers in search of their forever home - you won’t get a more authentic experience than that o’ Stormheart!

Spiritual Trials, In-depth Gryphon RP, Family Life, Defending Khaz Modan… Maybe a tipple o’ drink every-so-often too?

Often described as the most “cosiest guild” folks have seen, come give us a try - did I mention we’re getting our bleemin’ TATTOOS soon?!

Winds guide, m’folks!