im looking for a code that allows me to hide the blizzard arena frames but keep its cast bars. I want to do this because I intend to use blizzard cast bars with a different frame for arena health bars.
I tried chatgpt for a code but its either outdated or not smart enough haha idk. If anyone knows how to do that, would be really cool
What code did you used to hide arena frames?
I can recommend change the parent of the arena cast bars to frame with which you are tracking hp.
You can do this like this: CompactArenaFrameMember3.CastingBarFrame:SetParent(UIParent)
But change the UIParent to the name of your hp frame (you can get it by using /fstack ingame command and hover over a frame). Don’t use quotes when putting it’s name. After that Hide/show and other frame manipulation fuinctions called to the parent will affects it’s childrens (so arena cast bars).