Hide names/role icons on raid frames


i actually had a working fix for this but i got a new pc a few days ago and i dont remember how it got it working in the first place but I need to hide names and realm names and role icons on my default raid frames.

I found an addon that does this but its bugging out, producing lua errors and also hiding the whole raid frames randomly that i can only make appear again with a reload. Needless to say thats not ideal.

I know it must exist somewhere, anyone has an idea how to get this done without tainting? some kind of script or custom code that i can even run with weakauras, doesnt have to be an addon, can be anything really

This hides the names and role icons on the default raid frames.

Paste the below code into

hooksecurefunc("CompactUnitFrame_UpdateName", function(frame)
	if frame.optionTable == DefaultCompactUnitFrameOptions then
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thank you very much

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