Hide Role Icons from group frames

Hey guys,
So I basically want to hide the little role icons from the top left of my group frames.
It works perfectly as scripts when I type;
/run CompactPartyFrameMember1RoleIcon:Hide();
/run CompactPartyFrameMember2RoleIcon:Hide();
/run CompactPartyFrameMember3RoleIcon:Hide();
/run CompactPartyFrameMember4RoleIcon:Hide();
/run CompactPartyFrameMember4RoleIcon:Hide();
However it is annoying to run these scripts every time I log on, so I wanted to turn that into an addon.
But I can’t figure out how to turn that into an functional addon.
I’ve watched few tutorials on YouTube but none of them work.
Any idea how I could turn that into a proper addon?

Easiest would be to make a WeakAura that’s always active, and have this code run on init

And how would you make that?

Make a trigger with the condition “always active” and then go to the tab that has an “on init” on the first action. Select that option and put in:


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