HideNPC - new addon for hiding NPCs on minimap while tracking humanoids

New Addon: HideNPC


PvP addon to hide NPC blip icons on the minimap when using track humanoids. Great for PvP, making it easier to see players when NPCs are nearby, or if you just don’t want to see NPCs in certain situations.

You can track humanoids on the minimap as a Druid in cat form, as a Hunter, or any class with Blackened Worg Steak food buff. Ensure track humanoids enabled in your minimap settings.

However, multiple NPCs in the vicinity can make it very difficult to see enemy players on the minimap during PvP. Or, too many NPCs clutters your minimap in PvE. HideNPC removes non-player characters from the minimap in your preferred situations.

Inspired by the not updated HideNpcTracking addon, but no lua script was copied.


very well, will try it now.

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