Hiding certain tooltips in DF - scripts broken

To hide world and unitframe tooltips i used to have a weakaura run these two scripts:
GameTooltip:HookScript(“OnShow”, function(self) if self:GetOwner() == UIParent then self:Hide() end end)
GameTooltip:SetScript(“OnTooltipSetUnit”,function(self) self:Hide(); end);

These two scripts i found back in Shadowlands would combined hide world and unitframe tooltips but still show minimap, items and spell tooltips. Sadly in Dragonflight it does not work as it used to. The first script now also hides minimap tooltips and the second script hides nothing and weakaura say it causes error. Tooltip api must have changed so how can i achive what i used to without having to use a total tooltip makeover addon? I assume it’s still doable with a few scripts but what do they need to look like today?

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