High Elf eyes/skins for Blood/Void Elves confirmed

On te side note…
Could we have our very own Shadow/Void Well?
You know… its an elven thing
We have this… well kinda fetish for Wells
It will bother no one and looks cool!
And we have all those Azerite lying around we collected and now there is a peace; lets liquify and use it to make our own…
Would be a nice center in our new Elven Capital and…
…too soon?

Incredibly disappointed. From what I understood in the post (I could be wrong), two things happened: Void Elves will now be High Elves (an ACTUAL active race that didn’t need to be shoe-horned in to the story) in everything but in name. Blood Elves will get High Elves meaning there will be Horde High Elves, which goes against everything that the story has…

I really hope I misunderstood the post and what is happening is that there will be a High Elf Allied race coming at some point. Not Void Elf with light skin tone and blue eyes, and not Blood Elf with blue eyes.

If not, I must say, for the first time in my 12 years playing wow, I have never been so disappointed. (Also my first ever forum post because I’m so mad)

Void elves are presumably sustained by the Void rather than a well. Given the void is kind of everywhere, just “beyond the veil”, it’s just a case of knowing how to tap it.

Telogrus is also “bathed in Void Energies” which probably behaves similar to a well. I mean knock one up for symbolic purposes sure, but I don’t think Velf need one to be built!

Sounds good to me.

Never said we need it
I just would love to have one
You know ultimate source of power and all, nothing fancy
Kinda legitimise you as a “race”
Kaldorei - Well of Eternity/moon wells
Quel’dorei/Sin’dorei - Sunwell
Shal’dorei - Nightwell
Its a thing, like the totempoles of the Tauren and mechanical gadgets to the gnomes

Hey, I’m all for ARs getting proper footing and architecture. A city like Silvermoon that swaps the colour palette for one akin to the velf heritage armor (space crystals and all) would look amazing I won’t lie.

I’ve always liked the colour theme of Velf. The blue tones, with the purple and off gold armour with starry decor is amazing. Not nearly as eye catching with flesh coloured skin imo.


It’s funny. As much as I dislike the race, I find the void elf heritage armor to be one of the best they made yet. Really awesome look, and the stars on the armor is a really neat touch.


Agree it’s a very nice piece, very racially fitting, fits a variety of classes (the helmet is a bit odd, I’d have made it a coronet or something) and looks amazing. Even though it’s not my favourite set (both gnomes forever) I’ll concede it’s probably the best AR set in terms of design and detail. It looks amazing on velf with the pale blue or blue skin combined with blue hair.

Aye, really detailed and the color palette is just right. I don’t wear helm or cloak, so I don’t personally mind those. My only criticism is that like with many other heritage armors the belt cuts of the lower part of the tabard, which is a bit annoying.

With the blue tone and without tentacled hairstyle seen a velf RPer who played as a Nightborne who joined the Alliance … first seemed funny, but then realised the Velves are a good template for several races :smiley:
Anyhow, back to your post, it would be nice to have a bit more city-like racial thing, Telogrus is awesome, the sky teh background, but really nothing but some rocks (cool if you love Thanos-style) and tents… not asking any services, barber, ah and all, just… well, a little city perhaps? :eyes:

High elf rp incoming, brace yourselves.

I’m pretty sure that is a thing since… ages
Just now we have more tools for it

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well maybe. For some time Sw were filled with humans ones were rping as yet another noble and other high elves wanna be

i just read the news. I think in the beginning yes there will be a huge amount alliance players boost. But as for me i never liked for some reason races with no Cities . Darkspear have a village while zul’gurub is there for the taking. And no i wont roll high elve . Horde have the 3 most beautiful Cities in the game. Silvermoon , Suramar, Dazar’alor. Even though i don’t know if Suramar will be forever locked as hostile zone ( i just came back to wow i had a break since legion so i don’t know if they changed anything in Suramar)

That city is a bit deadly even if your are a Nightborne - but as Nightborne you at least have the parts of the Nighthold as racial “parking lot”
Still better than the floating rocks of Telogrus ,but hey, at least we have a nice skybox

They gave a major lore and beautiful city to the nightbore just to be locked forever with no really any use to the player ? hahahaha


Still better than a burned down tree and refugee camp in Stormwind or a bit ruined city locked in TBC… :smirk:

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As much as it sucks that now I can no longer feed on the tears of Helf enthusiasts, at least this means void elves are gone.

+/- 0 change. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Boralus is the coolest city in the game imo! Even though Thunder Bluff is the one I like being in the most!


Kinda agree , it’s just weird that they went this trouble of design and art just to be left there . Even though i think after shadowland we will have a major update even a big skip as many say and as result many things will change . As for the nelfs , didnt tyrande took them to Mount Hyjal?