When Lor’themar got things DONE
Instead of allowing a mass-murderer beat up one of her former victims again
When Lor’themar got things DONE
Instead of allowing a mass-murderer beat up one of her former victims again
Have you heard of the high elves?
Ah, yes those survivors that were to small in numbers to become playable so instead of got a small group of void-researching blood elves playable
Now that we got the OG Alliance of Lordaeron-gang together again, where are my playable ogre?
So I’m playing with the idea in my mind that we might soon have enough playable elf races to warrant a 3rd elven faction with core races:
Alliance: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren
Horde: Orc, Tauren, Troll, Forsaken, Goblin, Pandaren
???: Sin’dorei (Blood Elves), Ren’dorei (Void Elves), Quel’dorei (High Elves), Kaldorei (Night Elves), Shal’dorei (Nightborne) and San’layn (Darkfallen)
Of course I’m just messing around for the funzies.
Blood elves shoulda been a third faction anyway and that’s a true
Elven Empire unite!
But instead of an empire, they’re led by a council of the leaders of the Elven races (Tyrande, Lor’themar, Thalyssra, Umbric)?
Ive wanted High Elves for ages, look forwards to play one atlast. the idea of (Not a Voidie IC) never appealed. hard to ignore blue skin sometimes, and i know a couple decent High Elf RPers who will enjoy the change!
FINALLY, now human high elf players have no excuse to be walking around as that race, they have the customizations now, time to race change!
Seriously though, this is exactly what I hoped for when they gave us void elves.
My character would seriously like that.
But Tyrande would never work with Lor’themar or Thalyssra, so she would have to be removed from power first. The question is how to achieve that…
Unless you’re a Paladin ;_;
If you want to play elf paladins, the Horde is waiting for you
Tyrande > any of the other night elven “leaders” tho.
Shandris’ is too much a peacemonger in my opinion, to willing too work with those that betrayed and murdered her people.
Then again, if she’d be the leader of the night elves under a reunited Elven Empire, I guess she would fit better unless we Purge the hate and Night Warrior from Tyrande?
Just keep Tyrande the High-Priestess of Elune and make either Malfurion, Jarod or Maiev the leader.
Personally I preffer Jarod, but eh
The hottest take is that Shandris is a necessary part of the Night Elf narrative, balancing the more warlike approach of other major NPCs. I do love the whole cast, though:
Tyrande, Shandris, Malfurion, Jarod, Maiev. Now that’s an all-star team.
In the 10,000 years Tyrande has led the Night Elven people they’ve done nothing but decline. She is the peak of stagnant “leadership”. Maiev > Thalyssra > Lor’themar > a cat > literally anything > literally nothing > Tyrande.
Lor’themar - for all people’s quibbles with him in bfa - is unironically the leader that’s moved his people forwards the most in this setting. He pretty much did Kael’s job and more once he left for Outland.
He’s the King we deserved
This about sums it up, Fandral Staghelm being written off as a villain instead of playing a leadership role to balance out her stupidity was the worst thing they ever did for night elves.
Blizzard making meta commentary on how religious leaders are bad?
read more om Buzzfeed following this link://http.buzzfeed/joke.com
You’re missing Jarod, Malfurion, Shandris on that list buddy.
I demand King Lor’themar Theron, he can wife Liadrin and start a new dynasty for the blood elves.
He can have Thalyssra as his second wife.
Fandral ending up a bad guy wasn’t too bad, but Malfurion simping for Tyrande, instead of keeping his Warcraft III spine (and doing his own thing) is what went wrong.