High Elf eyes/skins for Blood/Void Elves confirmed

Malfurion Cuckrage can bugger off. Fandral for life.

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Fandral was a worse leader tho, arrogant and blinded by his own right.

He grew a World Tree because he thought he could get the Dragon Aspects to bless them back their immortality and thus raising him to the same level of fame and power as Malfurion.

You really want to follow a leader that was basicly a druid version of Illidan?

in-before blizzard pull a redemption story and give us Keal back as a leader.

No! No! Please, by all the gods and all that is holy, please no :sob:

Fandral did what was best for his people and put them first, Teldrassil is the only reason the night elves USED to have a safe haven. If it was up to Tyrande and her simp the elven population would be located somewhere out in the open, well actually they are now since they literally did nothing to stop Teldrassil being burned, but still. Ultimately I could sit here and go through a list of woopsies but the point is, he played a key role in approaching the situation realistically, doing some practical, rather than nothing like MUDDA MOON lady.

At the end of the day, Tyrande and the entire night elf populace made Teldrassil their home. She built her Temple there.

Honestly wish blizzard would leave the dessicated corpse of Warcraft 3 alone.

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Jarod is the Night Elven version of Lorā€™themar Theron.

Both of them are chad af


I miss Fandral too. I wouldnā€™t want him to supplant Malfurion, but he was a great character to have around; the aggressive brand of druid that Malfurion has (rarely) provided to us.

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I miss the schism between Fandral-led druids and the Sentinels/Sisterhood. In Stormrage the Sentinels werenā€™t allowed into druid enclaves while bearing arms


A living and sane Fandral, ousted from his position by an awoken Malfurion, who then forms his own druidic order that becomes a prominent voice in the pro-war faction of Night Elf society.

Mmm . . . :drooling_face:

What Iā€™m broadly getting at is that Night Elf lore is improved when there are political and ideological differences between its notable figures. At the moment, weā€™ve gotten that with Shandris and Tyrande, which is very nice.

I doubt Blizzard will give us the concerted attention for this to be really emphasised in-game, but as roleplayers weā€™re more than able to provide it for ourselves.


Oh? Can we start premoting that? Some (most) sentinels are the worst.

They needed an official invitation before being allowed to step onto druid enclave grounds

Sounds more fun than their belief that they control everything.

Aside from during the healer mage tower challenge in Legion. Mr Commander of Kalimdor vs the Burning Legion couldnā€™t tank a few spooky bois, but Iā€™ll forgive him.

On topic, I expect weā€™ll see an alpha build later tonight since they usually pop on Wednesdays/Thursdays. If it is the one containing these Elf updates, weā€™ll know if weā€™re getting Alleria goldy-locks and Vereesa silver-drapes or if the more zealous Helf fans are going to have another bone to pick with olā€™ Blizz.

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blizzard shouldnā€™t negotiate with terrorists


What I like about Jarod is that he isnā€™t a fantastic individual fighter. The idea of having an exceptional leader who isnā€™t an equally exceptional warrior is a nice shift from what is usually presented to us.


They should negotiate with me, because this is what I asked for.
People asking for more just have ocean madness.

Itā€™s what I like about Broll too. Heā€™s a pretty bog standard druid, but heā€™s famous by association because of his friends like Varian. As a commander he failed during the Third War and as a druid heā€™s failing to live up to the expectations just because he grew horns.

Heā€™s living embodiment of the imposter syndrome.


I guess thatā€™s true, he was always described as a natural tactician rather than badass swordsman. Iā€™ll just blame Granny Marl insteadā€¦

Ngl I wish Vereesa Hair color and Alleria tattoo wil be added to the Blood Elves atleast.

I donā€™t mind VElves for now, they have gotten enough already!