High Elf eyes/skins for Blood/Void Elves confirmed

Hmm, fair enough, there is plenty of options still available that makes them different enough.

I’m waiting for the inevitable influx of Dalaran mages now that are belf/velf walking in both respective cities.

When do we find out about the customisation’s for the other allied races?

They did say they would look at them later…
So, uh, eventually?

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I hope it wont be this one. The forced transformation would lose all impact if it could be just cured.


I think (and hope) its this.
It makes sense for the blood/high elves who are studying to be more present and active. Essentially being Ren’dorei in name only, not physically like the original blue folk.

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Does it even matter? The lore these days is basically “anything goes” - a tweet saying “oh, they’re considered void elves because XYZ reasons” is likely what you should expect (and all we’re getting).

  • Helves studying void?
  • Helves allied with Velves because Windrunner girl?
  • Completely unrelated at all to previous velves, and just a customization option to portray Helves?

All these three are completely fine options. Gameplay =|= lore.

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True, but in that case then you do have an excuse!

Yeah, while I’m pretty sure the lore is probably that they’re helves studying the Void, you can easily play whatever you want. It’ll be annoying dealing with the racial in combat but other than that it’s all fine imo.

Would be nice to have different hairstyles/colours though, but that also goes for regular velves!


It probably wouldn’t be too hard to set up a macro that scans for and promptly cancels the racial as/when it appears.

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There was an addon for worgen transformation, to keep you perpetually in human form except for combat. I imagine one could be made for this too.

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Dunno, those void elven blue eyes look more like the high elf blue eyes than the blood elven do

To be honest, the Void elven racial to turn indigo is not really noticable if you wear an armor… except slutmogs, every set/mog shows very little skin
Besides, not many fight in RP to begin with I guess (tho different tastes, in combat heavy RP it could be a bit immersion-breaking)
90% of the time I don’t even notice when my warform activates (true, I’m blue to begin with)

I think that may be what they’re going for. Can’t be sure mind you.

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