High Elf eyes/skins for Blood/Void Elves confirmed

Fixed that for you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Blood Elves never betrayed anyone. In truth, they were betrayed…

Cool. More customizations is great.

My guess would be that it´s not as much about absolute but rather relative numbers.
So, for example, while there might be just few trolls of any class, all of those classes have decent representation among their race. Meanwhile, high elf paladin is going to be rare even if you looked at huge portion of their population.

But if people really want to RP a paladin, nothing stops them from creating warrior and giving them paladin-style armor. There are toys that could simulate Light effect and maybe even some trinkets (never looked into that).
Really the only people who would have it difficult are those who actively participate in RP-PvP.

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Do they take naga and the spider Nightborne?

Well maybe because they always were the same race, Quel’dorei; High Elf… just one group changed their name and syphoned mana/life from things/creatures, the other tried to stay away such practice


Hopefully not.

Both will be cool to have as playable you know… :smirk:

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Maybe felborne and fal’dorei customisation options eventually for the Nightborne?

I’m more mocking that awful RPer who tried to RP both but refused all criticism and didn’t accept combat RP.

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W… what? Intenletters.

There used to be an RPer who had a naga and a fal’dorei.
They were trying to recruit all elven peoples for some guild.
They ignored anyone who suggested they RP away from Cath Square or tried to attack them.

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Well… while I support creativity and diversity, and RP about immagination in the given paramteres… don’t even have problem with Vrykul and Dragon RPers, if done correctly
This is a “yikes” even for me :eyes:


I know Damien, I just think they should either kill off helfs or just move belfs to Alliance. We have just another Pandaren race now essentially with belfs. I could essentially roll a velf with the same name and get a light toned skin and go for an IC jolly around Stormwind now (and vice versa for belfs). Nothing inherently wrong with that but belfs essentially just became neutral (which is kinda cool).


The different hair, voices, hair colours, and other eye colours say otherwise.
Unless more ends up being added to the velves of course. Right now, there’s still enough differences.

We have no idea what their lore is - or if they’re getting any. Could be the students from Telogrus, could be the exact same Velves with an ability to look healthy and pink again. Could be both for that matter.


Could be following the noble Blood elven tradtition of using Naaru
Behind the scenes, hunting those sparkly chandeliers to consume is kinda fitting…
While smiling to the Light Forged and the Paladins, nodding, humble all happy-happy with the Alliance…
…but from the dark heart of Telogrus Ren’dorei hunting parties depart via Void Portals, dragging back captured Naaru, beat them to darkened state and ritually consume to keep the race “alive” and grow in numbers :eyes:


Not constantly, but when they invoke the void for use sure they do. It’s why like 99% of void users end up going insane and joining the old gods or twilight. Once they start dipping into void stuff they start getting “amazing ideas” about how life really is courtesy of these whispers.
As far as I understand it, void magic is literally drawing void matter from “beyond the veil” with one using their own body and willpower as a conduit to allow the transfusion, so essentially one’s body and mind becomes a “bridge and road” for a period. This means creatures of the Void know when someone is casting from another world and using Void magic because they are naturally drawn towards incursions into their realm because they come from realms of matter, which the Void naturally wishes to consume. So they whisper to keep people tapping the void and “opening the door” wider as it allows more and more void creatures to pierce the veil (a feat stated to beyond the ability of most void creatures unassisted)

I know much of this may be unconfirmed headcanon but that’s how I see it. Nonetheless I think there’s ample evidence non blue velf will have to deal with whispers merely from the amount of time they spend In telogrus and the amount of void they use. The dwarfs in howling fjord and furbolg in grizzly hills hear whispers and they are close to residue of an old god. Telogrus is literally bathed in pure void.

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meanwhile some void elves see how screwed up it all is and are starting an underground interdimensional railroad to smuggle naaru (darkened or otherwise) to safety.


First dooming innocent civilians to an untold agony by indiscriminate portals to the void, then necromancy and now this.

Absolutely barbaric