High Elf last names

I have travelled the whole of Azeroth, and recorded every High elf NPC I saw. It was tiring! I reached 5 pages on my notebook. There are approximately 250 High elf NPC’s.

I did this to see what kind of last names do the High elves :elf: use. This will help you guys choose a last name:

Whitecloud :cloud:
Snowdawn :snowflake:
Whitewing :bird:
Silverhart :2nd_place_medal:
Lightwing :bird:
Loresong :musical_note:
Sunlance :sun_behind_small_cloud:
Morningsong :sunny:
Daybreak :sleeping:
Wavesinger :microphone:
Firebough :fire:
Sunchaser :sunny:
Summerdrake :sunny:
Dawnrisen :sunrise_over_mountains:
Kawkspear :chopsticks:
Goldenlight :trophy:
Skycaller :sun_behind_large_cloud:
Everstride :evergreen_tree:
Brightwing :bird:
Longears :ear:
Swiftwind :tornado:
Brightsun :sunny:
Dawnbreeze :wind_face:
Windrunner :running_woman:
Ebonscorch :elf:
Fairwind :wind_face:
Lightsteap :star2:
Proudbreeze :wind_face:
Sorrowspear :chopsticks:
Sorrowgaze :elf:
Spearsong :musical_note:
Everspring :cherry_blossom:
Azuregaze :elf:
Sweetberry :strawberry:
Whisperglen :shushing_face:
Gleamingfell :fallen_leaf:
Loreseeker :face_with_monocle:


This is interesting and of some use when naming characters. Thalassian elves seem to share a lot of themes but for blood elves and their blood-themed names which is probably a recent cultural shift.

Maybe a few of these could be translated into Thalassian too? More or less.

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Some of these sound very Pandaren like Whitecloud and Snowdawn etc.


Was that not Flynn’s name?


It’s from Isirami Fairwind ( a Innkeeper High elf at Dalaran)

It is weird that a human has that last name too. It sounds so Elvish

Mayhaps he has elven ancestry?

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