You obviously didnt understand a word i said just now. I’m simply saying 1 allied race shouldnt be getting more than everyone else. With that i mean alliance and horde allied races im not simply just talking about belfs. NIghtborne customization came up because they have such bad ones but im not alone talking about nightborne. 1 allied race should not be getting everything and anything when rest of them arent getting much. ( this was mentioned that they wouldnt be focusing on allied races that much this time ). If other races get same amount then its fine ok but giving everything to Voidies just because of some RP group wants to be something they arent isnt fair for the rest of the players. I’ve now said this 50 times and im done. If people think me thinking of other races as well is selfish and entitled then i cant help you.
Yes im horde player always will be and im not ashamed of that fact.
Like I said before this thread is for high elf and blood elf players because the fighting that was going on all the time and when we reached this goal we can stop fighting.
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