High elves and blood elf Customization's

Now, this is a burn. You see, some of us care about the world we’re playing in, and the stories that make it up.

You seem angry, lost your composure.

You’re not gonna get other ear customization as things are looking, gonna have to accept ear length and the fantasy you’ve just put in your head as what it is.

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Angry for stating an obvious truth? With how often people in the High Elf camp bring up their presence in Suramar I’d have thought it was common knowledge that they’re little more than pets for their human overlords.

And shorter ears relative to their elvish parent is kinda a staple in Half elven fantasy so I don’t see how you could interpret it in any other way.

You talk too much for an Orc bootlicker.

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No, I didnt play the old RTS games not my thing, my bf got me into WoW so I could care less about the RTS or your mockery, but if you cared about the world you play in then you’d accept that the Blood elves are Horde now and the High elves are all but extinct Thanks to the Human prince, so you sir are a big fat liar, you dont care about the game or it’s lore at all.

But yeah I’m done with you, your posts contain nothing but mockery towards curent High elf players, Blood elves are the descendants of that hencefourth they are the true high elves.

I don’t care too much for Orcs and neither do the Blood Elves in the story. One of the major benefits of being on the Horde is that they dodged the bullet of being subservient to the humans in Stormwind the way most other Alliance races are these days.

It’s interesting that despite not being a member of the faction they still managed to insert some Blood Elven arm candy for Varian and Anduin. Just imagine the humiliation if the entire race had gone Alliance back in BC.

That didn’t prevent many Blood Elves to appear in predominantly Human factions like the Argent Crusade and Kirin Tor.

So you say this stuff about High Elves because you fear Blood Elves would also fall for the human potential if they were one the Alliance?

Then this is not an High Elf problem, it’s a whole Thalassian thing.

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There are far more high elves alive than void elves. Get your facts right, at the very least.

Obviously it’s a Thalassian issue but because the majority group is on the Horde the Blood Elves are mostly insulated from it.

Unlike the minority on the Alliance.

I’ll let you know Vereesa and her Silver Covenant are still around, BfA had some high elves In the warfront and in Boralus there is one, during island expeditions there are some high elves you can save as a bonus thing

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Technically they aren’t the real descendants. The real Highborne descendants were High elves and they died thousands of years ago

Bolted on…

Sooooo what do people think about options for eyes that don’t glow? I know that the glowing eyes are like a staple of WoW elves, though the blue glow was added to HE in-game to help players differentiate them from BE, HE originally had normal human-like eyes pre fel crystals. See Sylvanas’ Warbringers. Lor’themar Theron was noted for being a rarity among elves for having brown eyes.

Could be a neat little addition. I wouldn’t use it personally, but could be a good look for non-magic classes in particular.

In regards to BE I would be super happy with the runic markings and scar options so that my nasty warlock here can look like he survived a terrible scourge invasion. The San’layn idea is kinda cool … though weren’t the remnants of them killed by the Alliance? And Dark Rangers I feel would be better suited as a Forsaken option. Just my opinion though! There’s a sort of flavour BE have that isn’t quite met with the jewellery options they have at the moment, and males are kinda gypped with that, too. But we shall see what’s in store.

Edit: oh and I also associate BE with 80s hair metal for some reason. Apparently that was some influence behind their creation but I can’t remember where I read that. :thinking: Anyways, as a metal fan I’d be all over that kind of look. :sweat_smile:

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Judging by your name I would have assumed you’re a big Alleria fan, obviously you’re not…

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Just a sad person who likes complaining…

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Well yeah I am sad all the time because I have depression and I hate myself+ I have suicidal thoughts all the time but that’s something else, I wasn’t trying to complain I was just trying to be sarcastic

Edit: but thank you anyway for your comment :slight_smile:

I was not talking about you ^^… If I offended you I am sorry D:

Whilst I agree with the premise that the person you were mocking does rant on a bit, just going to pick you up on this. You cannot possibly want High Elves and then claim that Blood Elves are somehow Orc bootlickers.

Which type of Elf was it again that has a whole family of sisters so in love with their human overlords?

Hmm, That would be the High Elves, Alleria and Turalyon, Sylvanas and Nathanos, Vereesa and Rhonin (Because the Windrunner family are basically Kardashian trailer trash elves). How many instances do we see of that with Blood Elves and Orcs?

Tumbleweed passes

Also, to be honest, Ya boi Lor’themar seems to be taking a -very- proactive role in the current Horde, and far from being an Orc bootlicker actually seems to be the dominant party in the Triumvirate that head up the Horde Council.

Just sayin’ …you can’t want High Elves and mock the Blood Elves for somehow being too attached to the founders of their faction, when there is 100% evidence of the former, and 0% evidence of the latter, in fact even less, Lor’themar told Garrosh to do one when he assumed his loyalty and said “Nah mate, loyal to the Horde, not you”

On the other hand Jaina “Vereesa, can you go and carry out some War Crimes so I can still keep my hands clean and be a fan favourite?” “Sure boss, what do you want me to do?” “Go and kill a load of…sorry, did I say Kill, I meant ‘Arrest’ a load of your own Species” “Anything for you my human ruler” Carnage ensues…


Funny how people can twist things isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, you’re confusing the terms of extinction, which is understandable, as we’re still kind of defining them, and the only people we could ask, are extinct, and would probably have answered the question “So how did this happen to you?” with “RAAAAAWWWR I GIVE YOU SATANIC HEAD BITEY”

Alright, maybe just the Raaaawr bit. I doubt T-Rex’s were chatty people…

High Elves are according to Blizz -Functionally- extinct. All that means is that with their current population, their numbers will only decrease, and they will never stabilise or increase, because the genepool is too small to reliably do so, or rather not in a way that would not lead to some uncomfortable situations where you get High Elves who have a lot of fingers and are really good at playing the banjo…(Not a euphemism before anyone flags it, but a film reference :stuck_out_tongue: )

As things stand, the High Elves are functionally extinct unless they make peace with Silvermoon (Which remains on the table, Lor’themar has repealed the Exile).

But what does that mean?

It just means that they have a few generations, maybe six or seven, before they are simply unrecognisable as High Elves anymore.

Given Elven lifespans that would take on average -Thirty Thousand Years- to actually happen.

So no, They are not going to be -factually- extinct until around ooh, the year 32,020, so we can worry about it then I guess…

Or rather our descendants of whatever species we have by then become, assuming somehow that WoW still exists can do so. Here and now within the span of the game, the HIgh Elves are a dwindling race, but they are still around…

That is a bullet that was dodged, that is so large a bullet, that there isn’t a gun big enough on earth to have fired it.

Lets be correct here. It is a -Windrunner- thing.

If only Blizzard would just dump all three of them in a fire and forget about them, and then just let the Elves do their thing without their nonsensical human fetish…


But they are still descendants though.
My ancestors are first recorded in Scotland, now their children and their children’s children are dead, but I am still their descendant.

The Blood Elves do acknowledge that they are Highborne descendants through their honoring to the Shrine of Dath’Remar on Sunstrider Isle and they’ve had an entire novella as well as a song, dedicated to them which were respectively called “Blood of the Highborne” and “Lament of the Highborne.”

I know that, but they aren’t technically the same elves which left Kalimdor 10,000 years ago. Those elves died long ago as I said.