High elves and blood elf Customization's

Okay they don’t want us to have Blood elf hair colors. Then lets just ask for KT hair colors instead they are alliance.

But they are still the Highborne’s descendents.
When Kael’Thas renames them to “Sin’dorei” he makes note that his people will embrace their heritage and the magics of their ancestors.

They might not look like Night Elves, but like Naga and Nightborne, any who were born after their change of appearances, are still descendents of the Highborne.

And also someone made this

These are just Void elf hair styles with braids. and another color.


Hair and tendrils as separate options would be an awesome way to allow players to choose between void and high elf features.


There is no realy long open hair option for female bloodelfs, only one that locks like a domina. I realy wish to have one like the 6th one of voidelves, the one with the open curvy long hair or the 20th one of the nightelves - little bit messy, wavy. For bloodelves the only curvy options locking like straight hair was partet into 5 parts and bend around. The other options are shoert, shoulderlong or long straight looking like a domina or peggy bundy :frowning:

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I really want the Hair colors of the KT :3.

Yeah blood elves have way to many short boyish hairstyles. Theres only 2 hairstyles i like are straight long ones. You mean domina like this hairstyle my warlock got? I like it…kinda evil looking my warlock will look nice with blue eyes and that hairstyle in shadowlands :slight_smile: ,but id still like more styles LONG ones.


Yes, this is the “domina” one, sraight is okay if this is the style of bloodelfes but not that edgy or strict looking. A longer Version of the 6th one for example, would be nice.

Can we just have these hair colors for the High elves :3. They are no Blood elf hair colors and they look diffrent.

Void Elves are still void elves.
They shouldn’t be completely separated from their theme of the void.
Blonde might work but all else should be blackened by the void.
They are still void elves.

Also they need to wait until allied races get more customisation choices

That is not true. There are High elves and blood elves there who are studying the void to use it. And their hair did not change at all. And blizzard said these are Some Examples, so there will be more. And if people want normal hair colors what is it too you?

Are you hoping for a million variations of the same answer to that question?

Well, We are asking for KT hair colors not the blood elves one so… If people want to play a high elf on the alliance side with Natural hair colors let them. The blood elves will stay the most popular race in wow so don’t worry.

I spent every second from Legion prepurchase to vulpera release as a void elf main.
I care a lot about the race.

The corruption of the race beyond the void annoys the hell out of me.
I hate how high elf fans are using it as a vessel to get their way.

But lets says its true about those studying the void.
I accept it that they are a second generation and thats why different skin tones are now available.

They said more than these are examples

“This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.”

Dainara could you please stop arguing with people. I said this multiple times it won’t solve anything nor get you anywhere. Blizzard will decide in the end.

Edit: no hate though, I didn’t meant anything bad :slight_smile:

I mean I’d be just as vehemently against if it they gave away Goblins to the Alliance as well.

And for the record I’m not quite as against the KT hair colors but please understand that because Blizzard is so incredibly lazy they’ll obviously go down the path of least effort and just copy paste the existing colors from the Blood Elves rather than create something new or pull from the other Alliance races.

Then I will ask this again KT hair colors are the same Texture as the Void elves ones they can easily be copy and pasted on to the void elf hairstyles. what is it too you if it makes a whole discord off people happy and might even bring old players back to the game?

It comes down to is your happiness worth more than other players unhappiness at it being done.
Thats a debate neither side can answer here

I don’t really think they have the exact 100% same textures though. Every race has their own textures.

I’m running on the assumption they know what they are talking about.
I’m not into design and stuff like that so can’t check it.