I hope you can see why those who don’t want this stuff can be so annoyed by people. Its like there is never enough to please
Aha Ive been waiting to play a high elf for a long time and I am done with these compromises that is throwing our way. Yes maybe for you it’s diffrent because you don’t care for high elves like I do.
They did say they will change that. Shadowlands isn’t here so complaining early is useless when we haven’t seen the final product. If the underwear is still there when Shadowlands comes, by all means Start complaining then
Do we really expect them to change the nail polish tho? Can we expect such attention to detail from them?
so because you care about high elves, if someone cares about void elves they dont matter because you cared about a different non playable race first?
Well the old high elf models had blue nail polish while the blood elves had red.
Edit: so hopefully they will change it to the void elf one, or a more violet color but not red PLEASE
until now i didn’t even know they had nail polish.
But then again I care little for females.
There are alot of people who want to play those high elves. And blizzard throwing compromise after compromise thinking this will make us happy. It’s good that they added a lighter skin tone and blue eyes but why did they stop at that? If you want to make us happy just do it good. Add a few hairstyles and natural hair colors.
Maybe they’re taking into account the feedback from the other side of this debate.
so… basically yes then?
Compromise doesn’t matter and you’re okay with upset people so long as you get your way?
Who am upsetting? I am not even asking for blood elf things aren’t I?
you want to attack the core of a void elf to make them look like a high elf and not what they are… a void elf.
I didn’t mention blood elves
They already added normal skin tones and blue eyes… And what do you care you still can play a void elf.
you can play a high elf on the horde as a blood elf with blue eyes.
What do you care you can play a high elf?
Because people want to play on the alliance as alliance high elves? Srsly What else?
so these things do matter?
wow what a shocker.
I guess you don’t like the core of your race being changed either.
We asked for a High elf allied race and we did not get it and now we are asking for the second best thing and srsly dude you can play your void elf let us ask for high elf things.
and you can play one as a blood elf.
If you don’t get what I mean after saying that I don’t know what to say to you.
Are you sure you aren’t Ion?
i wish!
Imagine the salary!