High elves and blood elf Customization's

Darling we have two, Umbric is the co leader not Alleria. She’s the main boss because she has mastered the void. He was seeking to use the void blindly hence why our transformation happened. Alleria became a void elf by training just like how the high elves in Telogrus Rift are doing which is why they will look normal because they will have control over the void. But she’s the main leader while Umbric is the co leader not the other way around.


Well then I suppose we should be asking Blizzard to fix those.

Or you can just not care? Idk I think you have better things to do.


Srsly ask fo what you want to see dude. like we are…

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But mind I ask out of curiosity where did you see them walking around? Do they have names?

Around the Mage tower there is a high elf and a void elf walking around. and some there are standing around 1 in the Castle. 1 in the mage tower.

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A blood elf [magister], [Umbric], was determined that the sin’dorei would never fall prey to their enemies again. Convinced that the void was essential to the defense of [Silvermoon], Umbric and his followers delved into it against the wishes of Quel’Thalas’ Grand Magister, [Rommath]. Eventually, Rommath had them banished, reasoning that any who treat with the void pose a danger to the Sunwell, and Umbric led his followers south to the [Ghostlands] to pursue their research. He made a breakthrough after discovering notes left by [Dar’Khan Drathir], one of Quel’Thalas’ most vile traitors, who had sought the power of the void long before selling his people to Arthas. While Drathir had not succeeded in his endeavor, eventually abandoning his research after a failed attempt to reach a void-infused rift world supposedly containing an item of great power, Umbric — who only now conceded that Rommath may have been right to oppose this course of study — was able to build upon Drathir’s findings and open the way to the rift.

Alliance Alleria Windrunner Co-leader of the void elves and heroine of the Second War Alliance Alive Various
Alliance Magister Umbric Co-leader of the void elves, once a magister of Quel’Thalas until he and his followers were exiled for tampering with the Void Alliance Alive Various
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It’s funny both are stated to be the co leaders, but Alleria is the main boss as she is a master with the void.

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You should just be proud to be the purple monstrosities you are.

Ohhhh yeah, I’ve seen them. Thank you I thought you were talking about new npc’s added in Shadowlands walking around Stormwind

I never said I wasn’t. This void elf isn’t losing her purple colors. But I do want to see those high elf options added to match Alleria’s

Edit: and also we can have the High Elf request finally done and ended. Obv there will be people who still want High Elves as an allied race but I’m very happy with them being options for Void elves

Let’s face it you cant talk with these people their faction pride is too strong… and if they want something and don’t get it it’s like REEEEE I want it.

Obv a lot of blood elves and other horde players are angry because Void elves will be able to look like them, but I don’t understand why are people so angry when the original void elves are just void infused blood elves, they are the same race at the end of the day. And with the new High Elves joining their ranks there will be elves who will look normal like Alleria. They already are ingame as npc’s in the void elf starting zone.

Yep and i did not even ask for blood elf things. the irony…

I am. The thing I want to see is Void Elves, not Belf knockoffs.

Well that is your problem then. I want high elves too be a thing normal hair colors non voidy hairstyles. And you call them our high elves then They need to look like high elves.

And you’ll get those. But blizzard said they wanted to give both sides the high elf aesthetic so that’s what’s happening now. The only thing Void elves need are the hair colors and the high elf options are done

My opinion is that you shouldn’t get all those things due to their similarity to Blood Elves, which results in cheapening the respective race.

And I’m especially upset about the attention Velfs are getting over other allied races and even core races.

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And Vulpera got eye and blind colors what are you complaining about?https://www.wowhead.com/news=316777/vulpera-eye-customization-options-in-shadowlands And they could get those things. Because High elves/Blood elves are joining their ranks

All races are likely getting new eyes. The way the eye option works is being changed at a technical level, so it will affect all races. But Blizzard stated that they would work on cosmetic changes for the core races first, and then to the allied races. Void elves are already getting more options to avoid an outcry for blood elves getting blue eyes, and still that is not enough.

This precisely.

I doubt Blizzard will just shower void elves with a significant larger number of options than other races. People would complain that is unfair and they would be right. Every option that is added to make void elves look like high elves is probably one less voidy option. It’s bad for the identity of blood elves and void elves.