High elves and blood elf Customization's

Ehmmm There are already High elves and blood elves learning under Alleria and Lotuswalker. So Hair colors and Diffrent hairstyles then blood elves can easly happen.

And hopefully they will be voidy :slightly_smiling_face:

Nah just give us the normal high elf hair colors :slight_smile:

Just highlighting that, as this is scary mad level stuff.

Wait, you think people disagreeing with you, are actually extraplanar entities addicted to a power source with no proven existence on our planet?

This started and went the exact same way as other threads on this subject pretending towards impartiality.

There is no interest in impartiality here. You lost the pretence of trying to go “High Elf and Blood Elf customisations” Because that simply isn’t the interest group here. The interest group is High Elf fans.

Just be -honest- about it.

If you were honest, people might actually have good ideas, but stop pretending this isn’t a High Elf Thread under a different name, when several of its posters don’t even know High Elf Lore but just want Legolas on Alliance side.

Come on. You know who I mean.

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Listen I am trying to make everyone happy here. Yes I do it mainly for high elves but that does not mean I don’t agree with the other side that they don’t deserve the things they want. I hope you don’t get the wrong idea here.

No thank you.

I For one never asked for normal hair colors and I never will, because I agree with you on one thing, they need to be slightly different and having void colored hair is a good way. If we want natural hair, I guess black could be added since some of the NPC’s have it.

However, I’m very very very excited about the natural skin colors and eye colors. I have never been more excited in my life. In fact when I saw the reveal videos I jumped up and down excitedly.

To see you say “you should be happy with your purple skin” is a bit ignorant and rude. Not all of us are asking for normal hair so don’t group us together. I’m just happy with what we got, and I never asked for more.

The purple skin is NOT going away. It will be there for those that want a more voidy look. But the natural skin is there for those that want a more natural look. Natural skin looks good with voidy colored hair anyway.

Eh… I don’t agree with you there Sadly ^^… But we all have our opinions ^^. But more high elf options the better I would say :slight_smile:

Except of course the belfs, who are not happy about being cloned. You don’t seem to want them to be happy.

Well Like I said they would get new hairstyles, Natural hair colors. And if you put on a hood you will look the same anyways so why do you care? And the blood elves can have Dark ranger and San’layn Costums. And we already have the Pandaran. Soo… What you say is really not make any sense.

You need to understand their point as well.
Not just “I want I want I want”

What we are getting in Shadowlands is more than enough to look to like high elves. It’s called compromise.

We can’t look like them fully.

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Rings a bit hollow after this:

Whether people play exclusively Alliance or Horde or both has no bearing over them or their mentality as a person. As someone who is impartial now as to whether VE get the natural hair colours or not, the latter quote there is just as applicable to those who take to WoW forums every time there are no HE customisations in new alpha builds. Every argument here has its validity and I’m sure discussion can continue without faction jabbing.

Did I ask only for High elf Things No I did not I asked for dark ranger and San’layn for the blood elves to keep it fair. And like I said if you put on a helmet or something you look the same so… It does not matter if blizz add normal hair colors for void elves. Or Human mixed with High elf hairstyles.

Well, then they can easily have natural hair styles and Other hair styles then Blood elves.

The High elf Community wanted to play high elves for years now and we are almost there. You need to understand that we have a right to ask for things like everyone else but if people come here and be like ‘‘Omg you try stealing our things’’ yeah things will get messy. And I dislike it but I am gonna stand my ground and don’t give up.

What do you mean what do I care? of course I care. And why does this have to be some kind of tradeoff? I mean they might get those customizations anyway without having to be cloned.

Well we want diffrent kind of hairstyles and Normal hair colors that is not really stealing inst it? And plot twist it’s not.

We want to take your look but we totally not stealing it?

You are very entitled.

Well we are not stealing anything because we already have high elves in the alliance. And you are the sad one here because you are here seeking trouble… And asking for things and saying the other faction cant have what they want is kinda entitled.

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No you don’t. You have Void Elves. Tell the bloody difference.

Also I’m seeking what? Oh so disagreeing with you wanting to steal the belf look is trouble? I assume you see it that way, don’t you?

I’m here to keep a Horde race from being entirely cloned. And once that is done God knows what else you’d be asking for.

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You do not preserve the uniqueness of blood elves by forcing undead customization on them. That is completely missing the point.

They’re not happy because their USP is being sold out to the other faction.

Your response: “Here have something brand new the other side doesn’t get! There you go!”

This does not solve the issue of people who rolled blood elf wanting to retain uniqueness as blood elves, unless you’re assuming all belf players would be happier for their unique racial identity to become wholly focussed on being undead elves (hint: they don’t).

Velf getting some natural hair colours is fine. WHite, light grey and black for example are fully compatible with the void theme, and are natural colours.
Blonde, fair enough, because people are obsessed with looking like Alleria and they won’t be quiet until they can. I think it should be a very muted blonde however, almost ashy.

But no browns, oranges reds or whatnot.
No belf hairstyles
Their jewellry should remain distinct in colouration - belf get the monopoly on the gold look because their thematics have it everywhere. Velf should remain with silver or the rusted gold/copper colour visible on their HA.

First and foremost they are void elves, their customisations should always work for their void thematic first and foremost and then if they work for a natural look- great. It shouldn’t be that their void thematic is being written out of existence and whole hosts of customisations that are inappropriate for their void thematic are added to try and pass the race off as something it isn’t recognised as on a game-mechanic level.

It is perfectly plausible that void elves may be able to have natural skin and hair colours (alleria shows this, although her creation is unique) and the pilgrims show this too. However they are, in aligning with the void elves, under the void elf umbrella. They are all void elves, and that should not be forgotten about.
I believe the dev stance on it is if you want to imagine you’re a pure helf because you can now look like one, you go ahead and we’ll facilitate you being able to do that to a high degree. This does not mean that the race is now “high elves” and that their future direction should come at the cost of their void thematic at all. So as said, all options they get must be plausible for them as “void elves” first and foremost and if they work for a “pure high elf” then happy days.

This is why stuff like in other threads about the paladin class are inappropriate, because it’s putting the notion of the “suspension of belief” of being a pure high elf over the actuality of the race being void elves (which means being a paladin is entirely inappropriate) so this is something that can’t be compromised on.

You the player can imagine you’re a pure high elf to the moon and back and that’s fantastic. However as far as the game and lore appears to be going, you’re a “void elf” still, just a different kind who has come into their powers through choice- which means you look physically different from the others- but nonetheless these elves still presumbely actively seek out the void and it’s powers and nothing about their development should directly contradict that so long as that remains the canon.

If blizz change the canon, fair enough.


Void elves are getting high elf skin options, specifically to meet the high elf fantasy for Alliance players. It was stated by art designer Ely Cannon. With being able to retain their original skin tones, what would be the reasoning behind having their hair changed by the void? It would be the first instance ever where we see magic influence hair appearance and nothing else. There’s no lore or otherwise in-universe reason for why the hair should have to be void themed.

And Alleria proves that when skin colour is retained, hair colour is also.

Originally, we wanted high elves added as a separate playable race (albeit genetically the same as blood elves). With the upcoming features, it’s not likely to happen, so now, we’re asking for high elves to be properly included into the void elf options.

There’s jewellery, green eyes, hair styles, class choices and even hair styles we’re specifically not asking for.

The high elf identity has been a part of the Alliance since the very beginning of this game, and arguably before that as well. High elves have been the most requested playable race for the Alliance since Vanilla, and has continued to be so throughout the game. We’re currently quite close to getting them, and with the upcoming features, we’d naturally want the efforts Blizzard is putting in to actually be worth it, and to meet the fantasy properly, as Cannon stated is what they’re aiming for.

We’ve specifically suggested other hair styles and cosmetic (non-genetic) options to keep with the high elves’ Alliance theme and flavour, and to distance them somewhat from their blood elven kin.

They’re supposed to be the way they are.

Will you be losing it? These options are already existing on Alliance NPCs. Some of whome existed before blood elves were even playable.

Reading all these topics just makes me think High elf fanatics must be 1 of the most selfish and entitled groups out there. All i see is me me me want want want.
Just because of handful of blood elves didnt change their names and joined alliance doesnt mean the race belongs to you guys…
Guess theres no arguing with you all though, keep asking keep wanting all we blood elves can hope the devs are smart enough to keep the blonde hair on the actual blood elves.