High heels/ skimpy outfits

its really hard being sexy in this game without wearing vanilla/cataclysm outfits.

i wanna be a warrior lady who looks good while fighting.

with wow advancing everyday, technology wise. we saw the evokers, we saw some Revendreth NPC’s. how about some High heels as transmog, and some more skimpy clothing. Shorts, Belly dancing dress, Azshara’s dress, etc.

please…pretty please. doesnt have to be a raid drop, but maybe something you can buy with gold at booty bay. similar to the shirts sold there.

cause im not really a fan of DF clothing. i like more simple clothing.

something like Ariana’s outfit here would be lovely on my belf, Draenei, Dracthyr, Night elf, etc.


please dont get my thread locked. Not the place to ask.

thank you.


I am just asking, i don’t understand this body things.


well there are 10,000 active threads about it :roll_eyes:


I did read em i still don’t get it, what does 1 or 2 means?


ask in one of those threads, and i will be happy to explain to you :smile: this is not the place


Fixed it for you, but truth be told, Cata still has some okayish mogs.

Anyways, +1. Never enough good mogs, in fact, wanna have more tube tops like the one my toon wears currently, Soulcloth Vest. :pray:


that top looks amazing!

i am wearing a shirt i bought from Booty Bay. i hate most mail outfits.

wish wow had more normal looking outfits like FF14. for now, any skimpy outfit would be lovely.

i am worried tho that they wont do it, given Alexstraza’s new outfit. Would be a shame, there are many gamer girls who want more revealing outfits.


This is getting real bad when we are starting to get afraid of speaking


I wish they’d give us the choice, it’s no fun when the only mogs are all terrible pixels.

It’s a fantasy game and part of that is being able to fight in a metal bikini or a loincloth. Equally you can have the choice to cover your character in a full set of armour or robes.



most revealing outfits are very old graphics, and its about time we see some new ones for more diversity of outfits.

Blizzard maybe thinks girls dont like revealing outfits, but thats not true.

look at her:


I will answer the question for you, in a non-violating way to the CoC here.

In the character creation the “selectable gender roles” male and female were name-changed to neutral terms “Body 1” (male model) and “Body 2” (female model). This was done for both possibly future new body models (that got hinted by Ion in an Interview) and also to get away from (a bit) outdated gender roles in todays world.

After all, Blizzard wants to approach several different audiences with the game and changes like that are stuff that happens along the way. And this is not a single-case thing. I have recently seen so many mods on Bethesdas Mod network for Skyrim that do something similar with the game.

Edit: More I won’t talk about.


Anime you can have in other games.

I am really surprised by you all asking, especially given the recent updates and changes in the game post the law suit. Even still my female paladin farmed the Glorious outfit for weeks and hours on end until I had the full set. Farmed it because it was too expensive on AH. Once I had it and I was ever so proud only to get the most horrible whispers in Stormwind from other players. I assume they were mostly female players telling me how I am degrading and demeaning woman. But I agree I wish there were more updated ones or even if they just update some of the current ones would be good.

as someone who wears the Ahn Qiraj robes, i never gotten such whispers. Thats horrible tho!

they could also be trolls. i usually ignore such whispers if i ever got them

I saw this girl’s toon showcase once. She has good taste!

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After the lawsuits, this is the exact opposite way they’ll go.

I don’t particularly like Blizzard’s current approach. Bodies are not something to be ashamed off. Some players like to cover up, others like a different style.


I wish Britney Spears would be in charge of transmog and stuff…


I can see a connection.

but still covering up women is not a good approach to fixing the problem. A fantasy game should have some skimpy outfits.

there is nothing wrong with showing some skin. there is also nothing wrong in covering up. A game should have both.

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