If I can power heal a spike, so should a druid with equal skill. And because, lets be honest here, druids and MW monks simply perform better than an RShaman, he should be able to with less skill. Simple as that.
And why would a druid not be able to on a 25? Maybe because he just picked up the class to get into keys easier. Which is the case with many healers. Especially DPriest, which is like the worst healer to pug with.
I play warrior. You have many small CDs. Recklessness is on a 45s cooldown. Use that one. Dont use it on pull. Also, Odins Fury with a ridiculously low CD. If you play arms, you can literally colossus smash each spike.
Avatar with its 1.5 min CD can be used on 1 spike, and then finish off the duration on boss. For example, 1st spike is a good one to start.
And if you want to be the uber pro, you track the CDs of your partners. So if DuDu uses his, you keep yours for the next spike and use double CD instead of 1 by 1.
??? Where is my “awesomeness” in this statement? Im literally saying that hunters are very viable in any dungeon, any reasonable comp (that has BL, CR, and those important things) to do 25s and above.
Except the uber, uber high end. Which is a different league on its own where meta and comp actually matter.
And as a healer, I am well aware that hunters are “squishy”. But so are Aug evokers, Dudus, and any class that does not stack Vers. Even DHs are squishy if they dont leech the boss (spikes of 3rd boss).
So as a healer, I know this, and I triage appropriately. For example: The tank does not need to have earth shield all the time (-9% DR and +100% extra healing). I can switch it to the squishy class during a pull for extra security.
Or when there are 2 party members at 50%, who do I heal first? The pala, or the hunter. Well the hunter of course.