High latency in evenings

Hi there,
Recently I’m having weird problems with in game latency. When I’m playing during the day or in the morning my normal latency is max. 45 MS (home and world) no matter what I’m doing (raids / BG / open world / world boss). Game is working good, smooth, no lags.

Problems begin when I log in at the evening. Home and world latency just jumping straight into the sky a few moments after log in. In raids (Im most woring about that - raider) things going worse. From normal MS, latency just jumping to 200, 300, 600 or even higher (home and world).
When I raiding during the day, my graphic settings are set high/good and MS in raid is max. 45. Meanwhile in the evening raids graphic setting are set fair/low and MS is high. Evening raiding ends with very high latency on lower graphic settings ^^
I tried everything, flushing, reseting, disabling addons (I’m using only 3 addons - Zperl, DBM and Details / addon full memory is 25 MB), reseting proxy, net settings, game settings, reinstalling the game, unistalling antivirus, sending tickets with WinMTR raports… no results.
My net is almost 1GB/s, network cable - not WiFi.

Maybe some of u had similar problems and know the fix? Is it normal that at evening there is no way to play the game?

Soo, seems like everyone is doing good with the game.
Wierd… i saw so many posts and topics here or on Reddit about latency problems ^^


Same problem here, not only the evenings though. Home latency is 11 world is 544

Very nice.
I was raiding yesterday, about 9 p.m and latency was home 36 / world 600 or even sometimes 1400 ^^


Same issues, usually start at 8 pm server time. Latency jumps around and gets better at 11 pm.

Same here, in the evening i cant play coz of lags and high latensy

So I’m not the only one.
Maybe some of the GM’s will say a word? What causing our problems?

Damn i thought i was the only one with that problem

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