High Latency only in WOW

Since last 2 weeks I have a problem with my game and I want to know if anyone else has experienced this issue and if so how do you solve it?
Every other day around same time, 22h00 to 00h00 Central Europe time my game latency goes through the roof, between 300ms to 8000ms, in all instances of the game across my all characters and realms.
This only happens in WOW, all other games latency is fine, all ping tests to servers across Europe are fine, I dont have latency issues anywhere else, also checked my internet settings and im the only person using it in that time, and yes im playing with a rj45 cable Lan.

Meanwhile I’ve already factory reset my router, installed a new game and windows, I even changed to a new computer and I still experience this problem randomly in some days.
I already flushed dns, added wow as expection to the firewall but the issue seems to persist, its really frustrating because it’s the 2nd time it happens during Myth Raid and I let my team down…


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