High lvl hardcore casuals

Raids are optional but we have a solid base for those who play mostly m+ and is tired of lfg and wants to use voice aswell!

Community Name:
[A-K] | Hardcore-Casuals |

Discord: BeardedBankerr
Battlenet: Beardedbankr#2689

Raid/PvP/Event Times/Days:
Running events most days, we have a solid community and being able to use LFG to bring in more people.

Current Progression/Ratings:
8/8HC [Different pugs]
3/8M [Different pugs]

4/8M [Personal Guild]
2728 rio [Personal rating - Different pugs]
2503 rio [Prot Warrior - Tanking for a weekend]

Doing multiple HC runs per week for our casual members and gearing alts aswell.

Most of our members already have their guilds but meet here for content outside guildtime.

We are looking for players with a mindset of pushing for high rating and form raids together but still maintain a laidback and friendly enviorment. We have a new but solid foundation of members with all sorts of exp.

From casual to top in the world on their class, 80+ Cutting Edge / 150+ AOTC raiders, 60+ 3-3.3k and 30+ 3.3k+ m+ players. You could call our community ”LFG on steriods” with alot of features in our discord.

Hardcore-Casuals M+/Raids/PvP of every class and age, be mature and bring a uplifting persona with a solid mindset of not quiting and wanting to evolve.

Feel free to invite any friends/guildies who you see fit!:trophy::pray:t3: