High motivation, low games played

Welcome to modern wow 3s. :]

I want the purple dragon rly badly but there’s just no one to que with. LFG is completely barren and half the people that sign up can’t even read what you’re looking for.

What do? PepeHands


in this case, people buy a boost, or buy a bot

or accept the fact, that this mount isnt obtainable for the normal player without mates

you wanted solo q though? this is what you asked, this is what you wanted

We asked for solo q not solo shuffle.
They should’ve just made it 2v2.


q find good mates add them go voice push glad

nobody asked for solo shuffle

People asking blizz for Water, but blizz gave them Pepsi max instead


This, I also feel I have to say this constant as shuffle is not the soloq what priva servers use and what inspirated people to ask similar for retail. Shuffle isnt remotely close to any other games soloq system for rated game either, its something complete else and doesnt even come close to arenas with its algorithms for matching and different rules what arena use. They could have skipped innovating something new and just used soloq system from other games with rated modes instead of designing this abomination that likely ruined arenas for good now.

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Thats a win in my book!

we asked for soloq exactly like it was on warmane, just 3v3, better if it could be range+melee+healer (like it was for sometime if i remembered correctly)
not some game design incompetence

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you play till you get progress and that’s it

nobody said it would be easy

s3 of SL finished on like 30/50 glad wins, teammates harassed eachother too much, disbanded, went LFG, dropped, didn’t happen

sat for countless hours on end in S1, LFG-ed it to like 2320, Ret patch happened, class became trash, didn’t happen

repeated S2, sat for hours every day, found 2 guys who didn’t have ego (one wasn’t even main healer), worked out

u just keep going till it happens, as long as u do it without boosts it doesn’t matter how u do it

figure out ur top 3 best comps for ur spec, then figure out what u prefer playing the most

then search only for that comp’s specs

then keep swapping people until you find people willing to play often

that’s about it

ull get it and people might say crap later on like " u got it with this comp or this OP class or blabla " that doesn’t matter - 99% of those people did the same or just didn’t get it and are jealous, they don’t matter

u can do it if u invest time. a lot of time. in searching, waiting, self improving, team improving, etc.

glad isn’t easy for people without consistent teammates

i keep adding people every season over and over and trying out different comps

that’s why it’s an achievement and not charity, like rival or duelist or legend in shuffle