Highborne options for Night Elves

Strongly disagree. Green eyes for Night Elves wouldn’t make them look similar to Blood Elves in the slightest. And Demon Hunters don’t have eyes, they have Fel fire emanating from their empty eye sockets. Not to mention their demonic features such as horns.

In any case, Blizzard at this point does not really care about visual distinctions between races/factions. The new Void Elf customization options is proof of that.

But they already exist on the Blood Elf race and the Demon Hunter class and if anything - Blizzard has kept a clear distinction (aside from blue eyes), for each elf race with their initial features.
Blood Elves - Green, Blue and Golden Eyes
Night Elves - Silver/Gold, Blue Eyes
Nightborne - Light Purple Eyes
Void Elves - Light Blue, Blue, Deep Purple Eyes

So no - Green eyes are a very staple feature for the Blood Elves and have already been shared with the Demon Hunter class. You can RP your DH as a Shen’dralar Corrupted Mage if you wish.
Highborne features are for all Highborne. Shen’dralar have been really cut from the story in almost every aspect, aside from Darkshore with Bob Evenshade.

I mean, BFA and Legion had 3 Highborne zones between them and instead of Shen’dralar, we got Kirin Tor Night Elves and Darnassus Sentinels (Legion) and two night elf huntresses in Nazjatar (BFA.)

Also, you can’t reduce features to certain classes. So, night elf druids and night elf priests wouldn’t get fel eyes, but that’s not fair, regardless of the lore or what you or I want. Like other features, they can’t be reduced to certain classes. All features need to be acceptable on all classes.
I don’t like golden eyes on Blood Elf Warlocks, but that’s my opinion.

This is irrelevant. Eye color is shared among many races, including Humans and Orcs for example.

No, they haven’t. Demon Hunters don’t have eyes. And Night Elf eyes are different from Blood Elf eyes (the eyes of the latter have a well-defined iris, while the former don’t).

I can keep asking for what I’d like to see implemented in this game, thank you very much. Just for the record, I’ve been told for over 10 years to roll a Blood Elf to roleplay my High Elf. That “advice” didn’t go anywhere as you see.


Sadly, because Blizzard doesn’t seem to be interested in Night Elves for the last decade.

In the novels, however, the Shen’dralar play an important role in BFA against Sylvanas’ Horde.

Wildhammer Dwarf Paladins don’t make sense.
Tentacled-hair High Elf Holy Priests don’t make sense.
Night Elf Mages with vines in their hair shouldn’t be common.
Sandfury Troll Druids don’t make sense either.

I understand that you find it odd, but that’s really on Blizzard - they have decided to implement subraces as customization options for core races instead of making new allied races.

Because they are just general features for the respective races.
It’s not up to you or me to decide what people’s characters should look like.

Night Elf Mages will also have purple leaves which can be seen as “Highborne features” as they are the most nature-based Highborne around as they spent in Feralas, years after the Horde exiled them from Dire Maul.

If little-johnny decides he wants to make his Dwarf Warlock look like a Wildhammer Dwarf - more power to him.

Two did and they were both killed.
And we have to be realistic here - Blizzard seems intent on only writing them in as a last resort. They could have easily included them in Azsuna, but they didn’t - they used undead Highborne and Kirin Tor Night Elf Mages.

Not quite correct.
They just aren’t too interested in the Shen’dralar and I can see why. Where do you fit them into a story that has Humans, Blood Elves, Nightborne, Void Elves and Draenei Magi, who’ve had far more exposure to the lore?

Literally, Shen’dralar are only used to either stand around or to open portals, but we’ve seen this countless times by the Humans.

It’s still the same means, via fel/demonic use. Blood Elves used both Demons and Fel Crystal and the Shen’dralar just had a single demon.

Also, again - this feature is for a very small sector of night elf society. These people have been killed thrice over. We have to really see what is acceptable in night elf society.

A fel-eyed night elf would either be exiled or killed - the latter, most likely. The Shen’dralar, in their exile, spent their time weening off fel magic.

But why does this need to be shared? I mean, can’t you think of other features instead of wanting things from the Blood Elves?

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Exactly, thank you for understanding it.

But to your point of wanting fel-green eyes for night elves:

I don’t see Night Elves killing Night Elf Demon Hunters.

That’s because they are not part of their society, by lore standards. They are exiles.

Kor’vas, Asha and Jace still hang around with the Illidari.
The same applies to Kayn and Allari in Blood Elf society.


I don’t know what to tell you :man_shrugging:t2:

We’re basically discussing “what if’s”. Officially, Night Elves aren’t killing other Night Elves with Fel eyes. And officially, may I remind you, the Shen’dralar don’t have Fel green eyes. I simply raised the question why they don’t, and gave my opinion that it doesn’t make sense lorewise and that, if devs ever confirm they do have green eyes, I’d like to see that implemented.

I respect those other players who have some sort of sentiment regarding faction or race visual identity. I don’t, and I never did. I don’t even like the idea of “faction-gating” things, but that’s another story.

It’s probably because it was stated that they spent a lot of time in the wilderness of Feralas. So they might have cleansed themselves of the fel during that time and they got their normal eyes back. Also they probably used the monwells after some time and those are pure waters and their essence are similar to the original well of eternity’s so thats also a theory why they might have gotten their normal eyes back

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But it doesn’t make sense.

Like Leerena said - after the Horde exiled the scattered remains of the faction, they went into hiding and began weening themselves off fel magic. It warped Tortheldrin’s mind when he began executing his own people.

They could have also used the Moonwells to truly cleanse themselves off fel. Elune’s magic is that powerful as she was able to revert a Satyr, back to his Night Elf form.
The Blood Elves had that with the Light of the Sunwell, but only those who wanted to embrace the powers of the Light. Many of the Sin’dorei still clung to their Arcane magics and a scattered few still clung to fel magic.

The Shen’dralar - as far as the common lore goes, after Cataclysm - had weened themselves off fel magic and all possible side affects.
It could be through strict meditation as the High Elves had practiced after the Sunwell was destroyed and their exile from Quel’Thalas.

The only way for Shen’dralar to still have fel green eyes is if they clung to their fel/demonic/dark arcane magical practices, but this (as far as the common lore goes) isn’t what happened, as Night Elves would have been made playable as “Warlocks”…well, in fact - no they wouldn’t because Tyrande and Malfurion would never accept their own kin who willingly summons demons into the world.

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Blizzard should make available to the player this haircut, already in use by a number of Night Elf mages such as Maelir (Teldrassil) and Tarelvir by the entrance in the Hall of the Guardian.

Since it is worn by several NPCs, and it is already in the game, there is no reason why it could not be added as a player customization as well.

And before you say: no, wearing the same helmet won’t give you the same haircut:


A suggestion by Moira from the Sub-races thread.


We need to learn from them. They are vocal, demanding and it’s working.

You know what I want? ANY customizations for my Nightborne. I’m not an Alliance or Night Elf hater, but I find it hard to say anything nice about topics like these.

Night elves got so much in this department that I find it disrespectful towards the rest of the losers who didn’t get anything.

And God forbid we have some races with unique features. No, if anything cool comes into the horizon, THEY GOTTA HAVE IT. It’s almost like they’re not allowed to play a Nightborne if they want to look like one.



They won’t get the fact that we are the Highborn, they keep demanding unsuitable things for the Kaldorei.

See, how weak your argument?

We want new things for us

But you only want to prevent what we want. see the difference.

The argument was provided in the other thread.

NIGHTborne. Mutated by the NIGHTwell over 10,000 years.

The original Highborne were a caste, not a race, hence used the Night Elf model, as seen in Dire Maul. And some of them rejoined the Darnassians in Cataclysm, following Archmage Mordent Evenshade as their leader.

So even as little as some extra jewelry options for the Night Elves would allow an alliance player to ‘enhance’ a NIGHT ELF Highborne (probably a mage, although it is stated in game that after rejoining some of the Shen’dralar took other trades) for RP purposes.

I doubt you could argue against jewelry, or against Evenshade being a Highborne even though he is a Night Elf? His title IS < The Highborne >.


All I wanted were golden jewelry and regal hairstyles for Night elves, oh well at least I have my dreams :frowning:

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