Highborne Tour: Algeth'ar Academy

My Sin’dorei friend and I had a great time touring the magical academy. Understandably, not all of our Kaldorei cousins seemed excited to see us, but we felt welcome nonetheless. We look forward to the next Elven/Highborne event that we may attend.


The event was quite straightforward, the group was taken to different points of interest in the lower and upper levels of the Algeth’ar Academy. As the DM I strived to immerse people in the spots that we visited. From crossing through a food war (with varying degrees of robe stains) to sampling a student’s conjurations to getting a flower shower due to overflowing life magic, it was fun to see how differently the characters reacted to all the situations.

Whether it was courtesy or being exhausted by all the stair climbing during the tour, nothing dramatic happened with the cross-faction mingling :man_mage: :mage: The tour itself finished around 22:30 and players started heading to bed soon afterward.


Thank you! Glad it was enjoyed by all, seems like people had a blast.

I recognized some familiar faces too. It’s always great to see old friends still around!

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