Highborne Tour: Algeth'ar Academy

Rumours about the Algeth’ar Acadamy swirl among arcane practitioners; a place where the dragons themselves used to study magic eons ago. Surely such a venue must rival the abundance of knowledge once stored within Eldre’Thalas and the Nar’thalas Academy! But unlike those haunted sites, this school in the Dragon Isles is busy being revived to its past glory. It seems like a place where anyone could learn something new, and there’s an opportunity for a scattered kin to come together upon news that a guided tour has been arranged.

Date: Thursday 19th January
Time: 20:00 / 8pm Server Time
Faction: Alliance
Starting point: On the bridge entrance before the Algeth’ar Academy
Contact: Acrona / Mahagos (multiboxing) for raid invite

It’s been a while since there was an event focused on the night elf Highborne, and the Algeth’ar Academy provides such a fun opportunity for a get-together that it’d be criminal not to use it. That said, kaldorei arcanists are welcome to attend as well, as the Highborne have been mentoring other night elves in magic for a good number of years now.

The event charges night elven masters of magic and their apprentices with a studious mission; to travel to the Dragon Isles to further their magical knowledge after learning about the existence of the Algeth’ar Academy. Since the academy is currently seeking new students and volunteers from all walks of life, not just dragons, it’d make sense for these characters to pay a visit to see what the place is all about.

Maybe this provides an opportunity to have your character experience the location for the first time in-character, and to meet some old and new people.

The event will be a DMed group tour for 2-3 hours. The DMing tone will focus on the wonders of magic, with some whimsical happenings along the way to give your characters points to discuss and things to react to. I’ll be using an alt to play the role of a blue dragon leading the tour.

Though the Algeth’ar Academy teaches different types of magic, this event is for the arcane side of things to keep it more focused. Regardless, hope to see a diversity of characters from arrogant old grumps to enthralled young scholars!

P.S. The event takes no responsibility for hamstrings destroyed by countless flights of stairs, food-stained robes, humiliating polymorphs or headaches from overtly complicated terminology.


This looks like a fun idea!

Sadly I won’t be able to join due to me being on vacation!

But I would advice anyone interested in Highborne/Night Elf Mage RP to join Acrona-made events! Esp since she is a pillar of the Highborne community! :smiley:


Looks fun! If all allows, I’ll be there to reminisce with the oldies and watch!


Instead of a community pillar, I rather see myself digging at a graveyard to summon people for a fleeting moment before we all scatter or disappear again until the next time…

Highborne community:

Thank you both for the support!


I have been summoned from beyond the veil of Death and just general being busy with Keys and being Game Master.

I will be there. To share memories of the Broodlands of old, make snark comments about superiority of our education system and such…

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Ooh, sounds interesting! I’ll make sure to attend, barring unexpected other plans!


Sounds great - definitely taking Acheleus there with some Kaldorei friends & students!


Can local students see what you’re up to?
It’s always nice to be scoffed at.

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If people outside the event’s target audience have a reason of their own to be there and would like to come hang around the elven tour, let’s have that preferably toward the end of the event! Feel free to come mingle about 22:00 onwards Server Time. This way I don’t have to stress about DMing for everyone interested in showing up on any character, and the focus remains more on night elf mages networking.


I would be remiss not to study more magical softskins, especially when they so readily come traipsing around on their own accord. :dragon:


We may pass you by earlier, just to eye you. Then descend when it is mingle time.
Have fun!

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This is tomorrow!

Looking forward to meeting a variety of night elf mages and Highborne. If you like, you can IC assume that a Shend’ralar named Kaldrinal Skyshadow initiated the rumour about the tour - he’ll be in attendance as well.

I’ll probably arrive a bit early to roleplay on Acrona before the tour starts, and then put her on /follow to just tag along when it’s time to multibox. Please whisper Acrona/Mahagos for raid invite. Around 22:00 onwards we can start inviting people outside the event’s primary audience to come mingle with us (you might not see us otherwise due to phasing).

Looking forward to this!

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Two Horde elves of the Duskflame will be present to mingle with our Alliance cousins when the bells ring ten times.

We’re looking forward to tonight!

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This looks awesome!

Just a shame I can’t make it due to IC reasons (Those reasons being primalists, proto-dragons, Djardin… I could go on, in the Waking shore).

Have fun! :man_mage:

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You must be a shoddy mage if you can’t make it to an event in a neighboring zone. :smirk:

It takes a certain kind of pretentious magi to zap to a place they don’t know exists, to an event they’re unaware of, while forgoing responsibility’s to their fellowship!

But I’d not know about that. Regardless, for those that can, I’m sure it’ll be thrilling! :magic_wand:


Since the event was advertised as Alliance I didn’t expect people from Horde side would also be interested in mingling with the night elf group, but happy to accommodate and meet your magical Nightborne. Made a temporary cross-faction community so that we can make a cross-faction raid in preparation, please make sure that you and your friend join it so that you can whisper & be invited around 10pm, otherwise you’re unlikely to see us due to phasing. See you then!


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Thanks everyone who attended the event! Was great having you, and it was very cool how actively people were reacting to things! Hope the tour was a fun experience for all involved and let’s do something like this again in the future.

Kudos to Kaldrinal who helped with planning the tour! Some pictures below.


Looks like an amazing event! May I ask what happened? A curiosity of mine, seeing how two of my favorite races got to meet on friendly terms!

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I was quite interested in participating but I doubt a Human/Worgen were a good fit, even less since Lochton is not a magic user - even less if they knew that items would go missing after his visit.

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