“jokes on you kids, I was only pretending to be cringe”
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Remove humans from our fantasy game
Vote for me 2021
writing a new setting where humans are the oppressed underclass and are basically forced into either servitude or to live out in the dangerous wilds because they’re not the most numerous race for once
I’m listening.
so dragon prince
I’ve not watched that show because animation put me off
is it because they’re kept under the thumbs of a religious empire headed by orcs, hobgoblins and goblins
because if so that’s a weird coincidence
The animation takes some getting used to, but it gets better with each season and the story is honestly pretty good. It does a good job exploring the morality of the things that happen, such as humans and their dark magic which btw is very justified.
The bad guy of the show is a bad guy but he’s not a bad guy
nah they own half the world and are salty because they got kicked out the other half for using the bad magic
I can relate to that, same thing happened to me back in '98.
How humans in Warcraft should be:
worse off than any other race, but they persist and thrive from that and see it as a means to try their best
How humans in Warcraft are:
60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YEAR OLD DRAENEI MAGE? IS NOTHING COMPARED TO 20 YEAR OLD A R C H M A G E.
Humans in Warcraft totally don’t have this “human potential hurrr durr” because otherwise they would be the most boring and bland race.
Human rpers don’t even @ me
I’d be fine with them vanishing via a new name. They’ve never been strictly humans. If elves can fart out a new fancy name for every subspecies, the descendants of the stonewrought viking people can have a unique name too.
Support my Cringe group, and we will make this happen .
We will turn every human into a half elf by mixing the Bloodline.
JOIN ME. Vote for me 2021. I will make this happen
Half Elves will become an Race that will replace humans.
human / elf relationship: I sleep
dwarf / elf relationship: Red lasers shoot from my eyes
What about dwarf/human relationship? I also support this.
[edit: *also, like dwarf/elf. Anything rather than more human/elf, thank you very much.]
The patrician’s choice.
As opposed to human/elf…
Anduin wanted one but then reality dropped a building on her.
I like to believe that’s what happens whenever a human starts to fall for a dwarf in Azeroth. Cosmic denial.
I genuinely believe this isn’t so much an issue with Humans, but with the fact Blizzard is overly keen on having a majority of their races live on average 300-several thousand years. It’s a weird place to be in, because we have to assume that every race reaches a “skill cap” on their powers; what with a human mage being comparable to a being that has practiced their art tens of thousands years longer than them.
If WoW races were a little more reasonably aged (i.e the average night elf not being born before The Sundering), then the disparity in powers wouldn’t be that jarring. Elf/draenei ages are pretty unnecessary to the current setting, when we could have just had elves living a more reason couple hundred years (as opposed to thousands on average).
If Blizzard isn’t prepared to considered the logistics of long-lived races, then they shouldn’t have introduced so many. LOTR elves are characterised by their disinterest in mortal affairs, because of how long they live and how irrelevant a 70-years-life-span hamster is; that doesn’t really apply to Warcraft elves, who seem far more concerned with human kingdoms than their own.
Races were super different in pre-WoW Warcraft (remember how strong a tauren was compared to orc or human soldiers?), then came WoW and the necessity for close to perfect balance in game mechanics was introduced, then Blizzard forgot about game mechanics and decided to make the standardisation canon.
Not a fan of it really.