Highelf/Human love

I’m a Human Paladin.

When you have a High elf Holy priest (Natural skinned velf) in a dungeon heal you, you feel like you will be protected no matter what. Don’t fear for she will always be there.

And though I was badly Injured and lost all signs of hope gaining my strength. She came, spoke words in Thalassian, and healed my wounds using light magic + revived me back to life. That’s when I knew I found my Waifu.

She had skin pale as snow, eyes blue as the sky, and hair grey as King Greymane’s beard. What a beauty!

I’m referencing this scene for those who don’t know :rofl:

But no really, only Invite Helf Holy Priests to the Dungeon. otherwise your chances of surviving in the dungeon is low.


You know you want yourself a High/void elf Waifu. Don’t deny it!

All Human men do

I went to Goldshire yesterday as a High elf. Removed the clothes. And I got 5 whispers from human males. :clown_face:

I mean, what did you expect? Lol.

Play stupid games…

You shall not avoid my High elf beauty or you will be cursed with Old age!

I look forward to the guild concept /event that is being advertised in this thread. The Argent Dawn forums are a better place because of threads like this!

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Thank you for supporting the cause brother. For that I will award you with a beautiful High elf wife.

In the future (Half-elfs) will have a big enough population to become an allied race due to our efforts

You really should have posted this in General Discussion instead.

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Weird fetishposting


It’s more joking/role-playing.

I already lost my TL3 so I have nothing to lose



Half elves*

1 Elf
2 Elves

I came expecting…
Honestly, I’m not sure what I was expecting.

The goal of the post is to create as much cringe as possible

My job here is done

This is why Blizzard made the Windrunner sisters go the way they did.

Cursed community.

Join our group! We are growing everyday muhahahaha

We have a Windrunner plague breakout it seems!
Close the area, close the whole kingdom, the whole continent!
Detonate an Arcane bomb if we must, burn it with holly or fel fire… I don’t care, but we have to stop this before it spreads!!!

How 'bout your ideal helf-wife priest joining the group, your very toes tingling as you feel that no harm will come. You are safe and happy.

Then she cleaves the nearest foe with a beam of pure darkness. Shadow spec! No matter their hue, the wicked void elves will find you. Your world crumbles.

Cross race romance is a myth, keep humanity human


Every day we stray further from the light.

Good. The light is bad.