Higher MMR early season is good

This feels alot better seasons need to get to 3600ish


Ye it is, but ultimately it’s pointless if there is no MMR inflation because what will happen is that MMR will stagnate and then it might eventually start going down as less and less ppl queue it up.

I really hope I’m wrong about this, but last ssn there was 0 inflation, apart from like 2-3 weeks of hyper inflation like a month into the season, so I doubt there will be any this season, hence 3600 will probably not happen, it will be more like facing r1 players on 2200 and AWC players on 2400.


Problem is, no new elite sets

cata is close to open

i think mmr is fine now, but the main issue is still, that not enough players are queing, at this point i rather playing against Ai bots from blizz

the mmr in 2s/3s does not change
it’s exactly the same as the mmr df s1 and s2

you are confusing the mmr of the solo shuffle (which has always been -100 mmr with the new season)

doesn’t matter

MMR inflation only matters for 2k+

there is nothing u can notice between a 1600, 1700 and 1800 player that truly differentiates them from eachother

ppl who only play for the 1800 elite sets dont really influence inflation at all, they aren’t regulars unless theyre hardstuck

they get their sets and theyre gone

i thought every player above 1.5k matters to add inflation into the game, because of participation

does it only scale at 2k+?

last season rating was capped in 2s and 3s at 2.1 now its not ppl are hitting 2.4, which is good

the highest people are 2.4 mmr hardstuck because its hardcapped in 3s
i dont see how that is supposed to be any good

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Well once they got the elite set they’re gone for the rest of the season. And this season with no new distinct set is already not worth playing for them in the first place.

If there is no inflation this is basically a continuation of the last season so once you reach your previous MMR it will just feel like last time where you stay at the same time unless you are super lucky or play FOTM… do good few rounds with 4-2 then lose it all if you go 1-5

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there is no inflation mmr, you will see it would be like last season

no i meant it literally doesn’t matter

u have 2 types of players

people who play to 1800

and people who play after 1800

the ppl who play after 1800 usually get 2k fast after and then it’s a matter of inflation if they stay 2k or get to 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 or higher

is it though? people are way above that right now. 2525 in US for example.

Eu feels worse, maybe us have a “slight” higher participation at higher ratings

eu cap looks like 2.4+ and us 2.5+

hl players in europe have too much ego, it dodges between them

I faced multiple rank 1 in s3 around 2k

Jazzgz 2x
Snupy once
Jellybeans in his eu hunter
Trimaz and akrololz

that alrdy happens anyway

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don’t say that, he mmr is high lul

why do you think there is a cap? Do you even know what cap means?
people are already 2585 in US so there is obviously no cap?


cuz we got a soft reset, and for some reason eu overall mmr is lower, because of less participation

i dont talked about a “hard cap or something”

it seems like, the cap is oriented by participation

so i think it will stay at 2.4+ in Eu, and 2.5+ on Us for 1-2 Months

i could be wrong, but it looks like it to me, i dont mind to be wrong there.

I face all the time R1 or Glad players :smiley: I was 1852 in S3, now I’m facing almost only multi glads, sometimes on their alts…wtf? 2s or 3d, doesnt matter. Im mot the smartest peanut in the turd, but this is quite stupid…

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