Hinting torwards a Scourge expansion?

Theres recently been some subtle speculations for the next expansion being scourge related. This seems really interesting, you should check out Samiccus recent youtube videos.

How cool wouldnt it be with an expansion diving into the Scarlet Crusade, Lordaeron, Gilneas and Undercity. Venturing back to Northrend, the rise of the scourge there. Paladins, Ebon Hold. More Nerubian and San’layn lore.
Maybe Vrykul / Tuskarr as two new playable race.
Necromancer as a new warlock spec, or cosmetic?
Maybe new or updated zones, islands added to Northrend. Perfect opportunity for continuation of Class Halls, class quests sending you all over azeroth and the old zones.
Maybe they can bring back some redemption for what happened to the lich king helmet… Will there be a new lich king/queen? Maybe Galakrond is awakened as a big undead dragon!?

Some hints: The ‘blizzcon is coming’ post, a human warrior standing in snowy weather. Datamined scarab mount, scourge helmet, etc.

I couldnt be more happy for another scourgelike expansion, even though we recently had shadowlands, its not the same. They could do different entries, themes around a scourge expansion, instead of copying wotlk.
Okay, what do you think? Would it be too soon to have a scourge expansion, or not?


Speculations are just that, speculations.

Better to wait for official information from Blizzard.


Wasnt SL a Scourge like expansion?
I mean if its great I am ok, but I doubt we go back to undead so soon.

There are like 1000 themes that make sense right now. Maybe just relax about it and wait. It seems like they keep it secret.

No “leaks” is bad.
There should be at least two plausable and 1 wierd leak around to warm up the community.
All 3 should be wrong ofc.

I doubt we’ll see a scourge expansion so soon after Shadowlands, but I suspect we’ll see another one come at some point down the line.

However, I did have a giggle today when I was doing a WQ in Theldrassus and the Tuskar said “This will be useful for the coming Winter”. My reaction was “Scourge expansion confirmed!”.

My bets are on a Silithus/Sword/Void/Fel/Corruption expansion.


It wouldn’t be. They have been repeatedly crushed, and Balnazzar is permanently dead.

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I hope not.
Shadowlands was enough dead to last me for many years.

Please no void or fel or corruption.

How about invasion of the psychopathic rainbow unicorns?

And yet they’re one of the most intresting enemy factions and original scarlet mostary has one of the best wow dungeons (cathedral). Surely there must be remnants of the crusade and onslaught out there that could rally together at least for one final raid which would be epic imo

And ask all raindbow dash fans to look the other way…

That was Dragonflight.

Northrend revamp confirmed! :crazy_face:


Now 23% colder and 42% more undead!


There’s no unicorns in DRAGONflight, silly. :upside_down_face:
Those are centaur!

Maybe we will have to resurrect Moorabi to fight back da Scourge.

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Honestly though: I really, really, REALLY hope not.

I keep hearing people hyping up an Undermine expansion and honestly the last place I would want to go is Underground, I would much prefer a Revamp or Void expansion.

That sounds more like a Hearthstone expansion, but if they plan to give me a boat in this Da Scourge thing, you know what happens - instant pre-order.

Those underground rumors you are hearing about might be related to the Nerubians? :thinking:

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Doubt that, new Northrend expansion will most likely be about more dead struggling elves.

Thats the kinky pleasure of the current writers since BfA.

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