Hiya, help please? How to start the Suramar questline now

So, I have already unlocked the Shal’dorei ( Nightborne ) As I am sure you can see, however I have been excited to try and do the Suramar questline, as a Nightborne myself. I didn’t know how to start it and, I figured with the level cap, level 45 would be around level 110, and, the enemies in the zones are level 45 now sooo I assumed when I went to Dalaran after getting to level 45 I would be able to start the questline.

I went to the new Dalaran in Northrend, and got nothing, so I figured, it must be Legion Dalaran. However I went there too, and only got a quest offered that let me instantly accept then hand it into Khadgar that unlocks world quests, but no Suramar questline.

Can someone help me start the questline as a Nightborne please? I am level 45. How do I do it?

Oh and, side note, how do I get a Dalaran hearthstone for Horde? I forgot hehe.

Oh and, another side note, It says I am level 44 here, I am not. I am level 45 and can prove it with screenshots. it just hasn’t updated on the forums.

Heya Lyltiless,

Suramar is pretty complex, with many meandering questlines, so a great place to start and get your ducks in a row is this super detailed guide on wowhead:

You’re right, level 45 should be enough to get the starting quest “Khadgar’s Discovery” from Khadgar himself, but I took the liberty of checking your progress, and if wowhead isn’t acting up, it seems like you already did a whole chunk of Suramar already. I’m guessing you found the solution in the meantime, but still thought I’d check here.

The Dalaran hearthstone can be re-acquired from Amisi Azuregate should you have lost it :slight_smile:

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