[H] <Simulacrum> 7/9hc guild on Draenor - LF DEVOKER and LOCK

UPUP, need that DK and MAGE

still need DPS!

need any dps class!

recruiting DPS that can do dark recital :frowning:

up, for DPS

still uppp…

Still upppp

Still looking for playersss

Stilllll upppp

Still looking for players

still up…

Still on the look, we are in need of DKs

still on the look

still in need for DPSSSSSS!!!

we need 1 SP/ELE sham for complete our raid team

1 sp and 1 dk is what we miss the most

We are still in need of a DK/SP!

still need those SP/ELE/DK

still need of a SP/ELE SHAM/DK

need good dps ! and 1 priest healer!