[H][Kazzak] <Neurotoxin> Recruiting

About us

Neurotoxin is a newly founded international guild on EU Kazzak. In it’s essence Neurotoxin is formed by a bunch of long time friends looking to progress through Mythic Castle Nathria. We are a semi-hardcore guild and our goal is to get our first Cutting Edge achievement in Castle Nathria.

Raid Times

We raid on Wednesdays and Sundays as our main progression days and on Saturday as an optional farm day. Raid time is from 20:00 - 23:00 ST.

What we can offer you

Our goal is to create a friendly community with skillful players that do high end content together.

What we expect from you

We expect you to be above 90% raid attendance. We raid 6 hours a week so attendance is vital.

We expect you to know your class and research your best talents/legendaries for each fight.

Does this sound like something you like? Contact us on Battle.net: Stove#21765; Geey#21102.

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