Holy crusader strike

Does anyone know what the justification for crusader strike costing as much as holy shock is? It feels very strange that a weak physical poke costs as much as one of our most powerful attacks…

It’s to stop us holy palas being viable.

In all seriousness in BfA holy palas that used the glimmer build were never oom and they ofc wanted to fix this by going from black to white like they always do. Now Hony palas will be oom faster than ever.

I kinda feel that they want it to be a niche spec that can be used but isnt the obvious first choice. And having a spec that litterly cant go oom aint good. I think its likely that any further changes we see to Paladin will be too reinforce their standard healing kit and not their offensive healing kit.

Vithengill, I think the logic behind this is to make Mana “Great Again”, lol. Poor attempt at humour aside, I do believe it is to counter the glimmer build, that said melee holy paladin will have it’s snowflake neiche in M+ and be lackluster in raids, unless the holy light build on Beta becomes a real thing. What I am refering to here is the recent buff to holy light and the indirect buff to infusion of light procs via the buff to Holy Shock.


  • Shadowbreaker Dawn of the Sun: The design and buff to this item is looking to build a role for Paladins in Raid healing scenario. 40 yrd increased range, better interaction with mastery for healing throughput.

  • Shockbarrier changes are interesting but still not enough to convince me not to use a Retribution Paladin legendary on a holy Paladin… Yes you read that one right. For this legendary to be useful Blizzard should change the cap from 3 to 5, as it would play well with divine toll and holy shock or up the absorb from 20% of HS value.


  • Enkindled Spirits: The nerf to this conduit makes no sense when Blizzard are trying to make enticing options available for Holy Paladins, I suppose this is because it may compliment Shadowbreaker too well and H.Pala ends up being broken again at launch.

  • Resplendent Light: Now this this the conduit that has me really interested, it recently got buffed to 6% healing shared among 5 targets everytime you cast Holy Light.

^ Now imagine a scenario where resplendent light ranks up as do all conduits, eventually if a player is so inclined they can rank it high enough to the point were Holy Light becomes a very efficient spell (counter to blizzard and co’s intention) you can see a situation where Resplendent Light becomes the new Libram of Renewal (for those who can remember the holy light spam days of WOTLK).

In fact if you simcraft it, on paper atleast this one conduit if ranked high enough and provided holy light continues to remain at the 6% buff, would lead to holy light becoming so efficient that you would not need to generate as much holy power, and in turn blizzard ends up in the same situation they are trying to avoid.

Just my opinion.

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