Holy/Disc + Warlock Looking for Mythic Guild (tarren mill)

Hello everyone

Me and my friend Nell is on the lookout for a new guild due to our guild falling apart recently and we decided it was time to join a guild instead of leading one.
With that said we have lead a guild together for the past 3-4 years now and achieved curve in every raid tier plus cutting edge back in Emerald Nightmare. Most recent progress is 2/8 M and before that 10/11M in Antorus.

We both love the game and everything in the game aswell (less so pvp but it happens on occasions aswell, Mainly BGS tho).

We are both very relaxed and take the game as it comes but always focus up in raids etc and do our best regardless of situation. Outside of raids we enjoy doing keys and any random stuff you can come up with really, we both got quite a lot of achievement points and only missing Uldir and ToS meta achievement so achievement runs is something we always up for.

With our current progress being 2/8M we looking for a guild with same or slightly higher at 3-4/8M. We can raid any day of the week at evenings and looking for 2 or 3 days per week. As we do play the game quite a lot we also got quite a few alts we play reguarly and could if needed keep one alt raid ready aswell. Not looking to transfer so only horde guilds on Tarren Mill

As the title also says we are holy/disc priest and a warlock
Nell (my friend) being the priest prefers Holy for raids but can also play Disc if encounter requires it. She has been playing Priest since start of antorus and will most likely never swap main again. Tho she has always mained a healer since back in WotLK where she played Resto Druid.

Myself im currently playing Affliction Warlock mainly but can play the other specs to somewhat decent standard. I used to play Ele Shaman in Legion but rerolled due to disliking the changes to shamans. Before that i used to play Prot Warrior in WoD and hunter in late MoP (which is where i started playing).

We can ofc both link logs if you want to see that, both from Antorus and Uldir.
If you feel like we could be a good fit for your guild or if you got any futher questions for us then please either leave a reply here or add one of us on bnet.

Voidlin: KriffKraff#2974
Nell: Suzie#2347

Hey Felerilla,

You and your friend could be a perfect fit for Leviathan on Tarren Mill. We are current only looking for DPS as we have a full healing roster, but if Nel can play Shadow, you’d both be more than welcome.

Refer to our forum post for more info; [H] <Leviathan> 4/8M recruiting Ranged DPS

Thanks for your time!


i believe you maybe interested, we are currently looking for a holy priest and a warlock for long term established progression. https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-silvermoon-simplicious-mythic-raiding-guild/7656

Sorry not looking to transfer and she only plays holy/disc aswell.

Hello there!
I added you both on battle.net and im really interested in a warlock and a priest! We are 3/8 M and we are a pretty newly formed guild with a lot friendly faces, the guild it pretty mature and the avrage age is around 25 yo. Our raid times are 19.30 - 22.30 and we raid on Thurs/Sundays. Plexus is the name of the guild btw.
If you are interested and want some more info just contact me in-game or here.

B-net Lester#21504

If you’re interested in transferring

We could trial you on TM and then if you pass you could transfer? :slight_smile: