Holy Paladin (H) LF Hardcore or semi hardcore guild, for TBC

Hi. Returning old school raiding player needs a hardcore or semi hardcore guild (Horde), with a great mindset and mature ppl to have fun with
I prefer 3 days/week raiding schedule with no quiters !

Back in the days i was a top holy paladin on my server, raiding end game content and downed all bosses except sunwell.
I was a Paladin Class leader in the guild aswell.
Also continued raiding end game content in wotlk but went to casual when cata came out. Since then iv only gone for casual play but iv always missed my time in tbc and end game raiding.

Im a 31 y old guy from sweden and lots of exp of the game and want to go back in time and revisit one of my best exp in life.
Im calm, collected and will always give my all.
Doing daileys / Getting ready for raids with flasks etc will never be a issue

Currently have a 60 troll mage on a server but if i find the right guild, i have no problem to change and leave the char behind since im gonna start a BE.

Need more info? Lets talk some more somewhere else, dont be shy :slight_smile:

U can reach me at Retrofreak89#5422 on Discord

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Hey there, Batzer.

Hey there!

My guild, [H][Firemaw] Peanut Gallery is currently looking for more raiders for our TBC roster. We’re semi-HC, and currently we’re chilling in vanilla-classic. Raiding days are Wed/Sun 19:00-23:00

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord on Timekiller#2686 for more details.

We might be interesting for you, check out our forum post: [H] Dreadmist <KINSFOLK> Semi-Hardcore Guild Recruiting for TBC

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