Holy Paladin LF raiding guild

Hi everyone, i am Xaph, 23 years old from Israel. ive been raiding on and off since legion and ive been maining holy paladin for 13 years. Ive been guildless for awhile and ive decided i wanna start raiding again in season 2 onwards.

I am looking for an English speaking heroic raiding guild (1-2 days a week), Preferable times are between 19:00CET-23:00CET!
Can play Ret as off spec if needed. currently 631ilvl

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Hello mate! we have a guild that we aim for AOTC in Season 2 and progress for mythic. We are especially in need of a holy paladin for our roster! Our raid Days are Wednesday and Sunday. Raid times 20:00-23:00 ST

I think we would be a great match!

If you are interested add me on Bnet: Bzlmode#2272 to talk about it a bit more

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Hi there, My guild raids thursday and sunday 8pm-10pm server time. We need a healer to round off our roster for our casual mythic team. Guild is Reboot on Silvermoon. Give me a shout if you think you’d be interested. Would love to hear back from you. GLHF

Hello Xaphorius,

We are an 18 year long standing Heroic/Ahead of the curve raiding guild with many extras like:

  • Alt runs
  • M+ groups
  • every profession maxed out to help with crafting

and more!

We raid on Wednesday and Thursday 20:30 realm time till 23:00.

If you want to have a chat or need more information, please add me on Bnet Jinah#21241