Holy Paladin...Oh how ive tried

I just dont get it. Ive tried and tried to make holy paladin work, but i just dont get how i can focus on dps, heal everyone in the party and keep track of the party at the same time while being in melee range of the boss and dodge stuff. The Rotation is so awkward. I just wish i could heal traditionaly :frowning:

It is pretty straightforward. You have to use crusader strike (that is your dps button ) to fill up holy power,then use that holy power to heal via Word of Glory or Light of Dawn.

When no one needs healing use Holy Shock or Shield of Righteous on mobs.
Also use consecration.
So dpsing is part of your rotation, it comes naturally.

If you prefer tradional healing style, maybe you should pick another healer

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It’s a bit weird. What helps a lot:

  1. Lay out your unit frames, so the party is close to the centre of your screen. This helps with keeping track of enemies and effects in melee range and still having the party health within your field of vision

  2. Make mouseover macros for your healing spells, for example:
    /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][]Holy Light
    This will help with targeting, you can keep the hostile target for Judgement, Crusader Strike and Shocks while still being able to cast heals on friendly targets

It will take a bit of a learning phase. I used to be a Priest main, but now I love the “hybrid” style of healing, where you build healing power by hitting mobs. Navigating the “melee killzone” while doing DPS and healing friends is really tons of fun once you get used to it.
However, if you insist on turret healing, you will definitely hurt your healing performance. Paladins are designed to be in melee range. While Mistweavers can be played at range, as a Paladin it will definitely make things a lot harder for you.
For a backline healer with a Holy theme, Priests might be more up your alley.

In theory yes in practise not really.
Saying this to people is just a bad thing.

If blizzard had not made paladin a melee that would be nice you know like it has been for most of wows life span.
And before you say anything holy power is no excuse last time holy had holy power it was a ranged spec.
Both of you pretend melee paladin is the only way it should be when ranged paladin is how paladin was til glimmer build in bfa became a thing.
(Aka halfway in the expansion)

I have to say this version of holy paladin is very close to be the worst version for me.

I have a priest main, and i wanted to make holy pala work, but during stressful situatons i dont know how to deal with whole group taking dmg, since i need to dps to build up HP just to throw a heal. Hoes does that even work?

Unfortunately, unlike Priest, Paladin has almost no AoE healing spells . The most powerful AoE heals come from borrowed powers (e.g Divine Toll). Also paladin is VERY reliant on cooldowns. When you are out of cooldowns , you resort to using Flash of Light and Holy Light, that are single target healing spells.

What do you mean, you only use word of glory/dawn during wings and rest are card casting?

Primary heal spell is holy shock and word of glory. Sometimes Light Of Dawn and almost always Divine Toll when everyone is low.

If I cant do any of the above and party is low on hp,
I 'll cast Blessing on Protection on a party member and use flash of light on another. Other tools are Blessing of Sacrifice and Light of Martyr and then using Phial of Serenity. Sometimes I bubble my self so I can focus on other party members. Tank is always first priority.
BoP removes all aggro so I never use it on the tank. I use Light of Martyr on tanks

Eventually holy shock and Divine Toll will be available again (and both are on a short cooldown ) ; so depending on the situation I 'll cast which ever I see fit.

Finally I would recommend reading Ellesmere guide on Holy Paladins.

Thanks man! im curious since you seem have knowledge, what makes hpala fun and good compared to other healers?

Thank you!
Well to be honest I only started M+ on Season 2 and came after 10 year break on WoW for SL on a new account. I did have a belf paladin back in vanilla, but it was a tank.

I have 3 paladins , 2 horde and one alliance, but due to grindy nature of the game I sticked up with ztroll.
I started with a Kyrian belf,heard that world first guilds were using Venthyr Pallies, so I lvled this ztroll to try it in M+ and then I lvlup a Lightforged Dranei to play with my gm’s alliance tanks.

However my highest rio is 1750 on rduid , not a paladin.
I tried all healer specs but eventually sticked to druid,paladin and shaman in that order.

Paladin certainly has weaknesses, as all classes. I did not play consistently M+ every week, but here is my experience in M+. I only do LFR, so I cant tell you about raids.

Certainly dungeon difficulty greatly varies depending on affixes,
but here are my most harrowing nightmares and always on Tyrannical

Plaguefall last boss: Our steed has long cooldown , so it maybe tricky to avoid tentacles.
SoA : 1st boss you have to move and dps and avoid bolts, trees make it very hard to see
2nd boss , being a melee healer can result in you getting one shotted by dark bolts even below a 10+
3rd boss , dont stand in front of boss or you ll die
4rd boss, I hate it on all healers :slight_smile:

Mists: Tricky to avoid balls on 2nd boss
DoS: Ardenweald trap corridor and although I am a melee healer I am being left behind the group in the ring.
Muezala not my favorite fight, again steed is on a long cooldown, not so easy to avoid purple circles

Well, to be honest ,I dont enjoy Tyrannical weeks in all of my healers. If boss is taking too long to be killed,I am starting to stress :slight_smile:

As far as affixes maybe Bursting and Grievous are frustrating to deal with.And certainly necrotic.

I found holy priest to have very good big heals, but the Flash Conc leggo playstyle is very boring and I was using a lot of mana .On the other hand Dsc is hard to get grasp and difficult with pugs.
But in LFR I enjoy holy priest more than paladin.

Paladin is like a holy warrior.

So to conclude what I like about Paladins is the instant casts and very powerful tank healing. For example in a Sanguine,Storming week I find it easier to move around and avoid tornadoes and casting holy shocks. On Quaking , no problem, your healing will come mostly from instant casts.

Cooldowns help, never played paladin until last week, but the cooldowns are by far some of the best I’ve used as a healer.
I like avenging crusader, don’t think this is a meta talent, but it’s fun anyway I do this so i can DPS as holy to help keep my party healthy and it works surprisingly well, I’ll be throwing out some light of dawn’s at 3 holy power while on crusade mode too.

I also cast beckon of virtue on myself when I feel lazy and just word of glory myself and holy shock myself which keeps party healthy.

If I have a squishy tank I may ease up on my DPS and spam holy/flash of light on them.

I think it’s a learning curve, like I’ve played resto druid and shaman and MW monk, they’re all completely different playstyle. But holy is good when you figure it out, and the cooldowns are as good if not better than resto shaman imo.

I’m still learning new tricks. That’s the thing about holy paladin it has so many tricks, well at least for me.

Maybe it’s because I’m new to it though, but I do find holy paladin to be such a fun spec and solid healer.

Basically feel like a prot warrior who can heal :joy:.

Followed this threat closely and decided to chime in aswell.
Holy paladin is more like a discipline priest regarding their healing/throughput. Your cooldowns are insane but outside of wings/ashen/am you have to get creative to keep your group alive.
LoH sac bop and your own bubble should all be treated as heal cds aswell, because you are easily able to heal one target you should in most cases use it on another target to “finish” healing your first and then swap to the second.
Try to use them liberaly! rather use them to often than none at all and always check before the pull what you have and make a plan in which order you want to use them (this gets easier with experience).
The legendary choice for holy paladin is strange aswell, because most new players think shock barrier sounds awesome but most of the time youd rather have mad paragons (longer wings → less gaps in your big cds → more holy power through how → more passive damage).
Your wings are strong! Even after the nerfs, so using them as often as possible and for as long as possible (mad paragon) you should get enough healing power together with your other cds to sustain most groups.
Talking of healing, your best healing spell is WoG! No other spell in your kit is as good WoG. This means even if the whole group is taking damage you rather use WoG than LoD and focus on the guy who is closest to dying!
HL and FoL are spells you should only use when you are not able to hit anything in melee because they dont do enough healing for their casttime/manacost.
Last but not least my guess why you struggle so much with paladin is that unlike shamans druids priest you dont always have strong healing buttons to press, which means if your group is taking damage it shouldnt (voidzone or a cast that wasnt interrupted) you have no “easy” or straightforward healing spell to press and deal with it. This can be helped by saving holy power, meaning you try to go up to 5, spend down to 2, and build back to 5 in order to never have 0 hp so you can react faster! This will decrease your overall wings uptime and therefore overall damage, but it will be safer for thw lives of your group members!

I hope this was in someway helpfull! I love pala because it is so fast paced and full of important decisions but it has a steep learning curve!
Keep playing, keep trying, you will get the habg of it! :slight_smile:

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