Holy power and your new Class Philosophy can go die

You shoot and you miss, because you’re shooting at the wrong target.

it doesn’t matter if some guy you know get good numbers with a class. doing good or getting high numbers have nothing to do with the class being fun or boring to play.

As to the argument about the class being better in mop/ wod than in legion/bfa, that has more to do with the fact that they gutted the class for the latter than them removing HP

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I’m still skeptical aboot the fact that removing HP would solve our issues. And I’m more skeptical aboot blizzard doing a great HoPo replacements. And I still do think that pre cata was quite boring playstyle.

I like barking !

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Whackamole type gameplay is not very fun or engaging. Maelstrom for shamans should have been improved, not removed. Your holy power is far more interactive and built better into the spec.


I don’t really think Holy Power for Retribution is much more skilled than cooldown based rotations.

Maybe WotlK execution was a bit bad where you could do great damage by simply spamming abilities off cooldown, but that could’ve surely been improved upon.

Let’s be honest Holy Power is pretty braindead as well for Retribution Paladin.

Past the opener you use any builder ability which is off CD to build Holy Power once you have no builder available or before you overstack the five Holy Power cap you use a Spender.

It also feels horrible at almost every new expansion before you get enough Haste to not have as much downtime.

Even more so since pretty much your entire AoE damage is build around DIvine Storm and having to build 3 Holy Power to then do AoE damage feels kinda bad, especially with how weak the builders are damage wise and early in expansions with how slow Holy Power generation is.

There was still some nuances to WotlK rotation.
Like properly setting up ranged abilities (Judgment, Exorcism, Hammer of Wrath) up to be available for movement phases, be it in PvP or PvE.
Switching to Seal of Command for AoE scenarios.
Using a fast 1hander to quickly stack Seal of Corruption or stacking it up on multiple targets for the dot.
Tier 10 2 Set Piece was horrible imho even if it was “fun”.
Divine Storm resetting randomly on Autoattacks made setting up a proper rotation way more braindead. As it was a really strong hitting ability and you would even use it before adds were about to spawn, because it could just proc once the adds spawned.

A lot of people simply don’t or didn’t care about these small differences in damage and just saw oh I can do like 90% or 95% of damage by simply binding all my spells on a macro and scrolling my wheel.
Which of course had to be fixed, but I don’t think we had to go the Combo Point route.

Also I loved switching into 1Hand + Shield when fighting melees at certain times.
Having all abilities available while using 1Hand would feel great or getting back 1Hand abilities with Shield like Shield of the Righteous.
Having spells and abilities scale with overall gear rather than mainly the Weapon would also help that playstyle.

Overall I enjoyed Retribution the most in Wotlk, as you felt so explosive, you could just go in and blow up targets without having to first build Crusade stacks, Inquisition, Holy Power.
Great Blessings, dispells, offheals, shield, buffs, Auras, different Seals.

Then afterwards probably WoD.
Imho Holy Power somehow felt better than in Legion and BfA, it felt like you had so many more Tools at the time.
I liked the movement options more than Divine Steed, you also had Emancipate.
I liked the Glyphs at the time.
Level 95 Talents felt great.
Playing in PvP around with different Seals and Judgments felt really rewarding at times.

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I hope they take back this decission

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