Holy power for all speccs… you gotta be kidding me… holy power(actually combo points) is one of the worst thing to happen to paladins in all the years i’ve played it…
Looking at the class philosophy, i’ve never been so disappointed in all my time in wow… i would never have believed that you would butcher the class to this extent…
Not only is combo points the worst game mechanic to ever get forced down our throat, but this means we’re also having our healing mitigation locked behind combo points.
I thought you had ruined the class as much as was possible when you redid us in legion, but you doubled down and outdid yourself with BFA and made the class worse than ever imaginable, and now you’re not even trying to hide the disdain you have for us.
This class update has to be the worst thing i’ve read in all my time playing, from the release of vanilla until today.
So i gues you forgot to play Cataclysm when they introduced Holy Power to ALL specs.
This is also just a first pass before ANY feedback has come in to them, has this the potential to stay yes but they are looking for feedback what you are saying here is not feedback it just tells them you do not like it not why you dislike it.
You have also not played the version of wow that is shadowlands.
At least do not hate on the system before you have even seen it, yes it did exist in cata it did not work for 2 of the 3 specs that does not mean the system did not have potential.
Yeah, I think many remembers when Cataclysm came and we were forced into Holy Power. In Legion, people were happy they didn’t need to use Holy Power anymore for Protection and Holy.
“At least do not hate on the system before you have even seen it” this is something we’ve seen happen for so many expansions and yet we still get these issues… we said it when “Holy Wrath” came to Legion as a talent. Everybody complained and didn’t want it. Blizzard refused to remove it until BfA. ‘I think we all agree that the talent seemed like a good idea…’ No Blizz, just you.
sadly i played cata… It was the expansion that broke the game and what we loved. but despite the fact that we got forced combo points down our throat, we had not lost everything that made paladin, paladin, yet.
The class doesn’t even resemble the paladin anymore. because it looks more like a rogue warrior hybrid than the paladin archetype.
and the problem now is that no matter the feed back, we can assume from experience that even if the massive majority hated it and gave detailed feedback about why, and why its a horrible system, they would just double down on their new philosophises as they’ve always done.
Because there’s always been that new designer wanting to put his personal touch on the class, redesigning or changing the class in a major way… and not for the better.
and yes i have not played shadowlands yet, but when i do its apparently as a holy rogue
I guess people really like dumb and dull FCFS gameplay…
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If we want to play with combo points and enjoy ourselves to the fullest, we’ve already got a class for it. It’s called a Rogue.
Well, I’d rather they keep holy power instead of mana. Because if mana is poorly designed, like in Vanilla, then it sucks to starve mana. If it’s like current mana, then it’s not a ressource to manage. I’m not against mana, I’m just saying it’s…dangerous or could be just a blue bar that does nothing.
I don’t see the problem in it personally. I’ve leveled an arcane mage lately and I actually liked how they handled mana: If you want to keep doing the most damage, you have to carry on using spells with 4 charges - but each charge also makes the spells cost more mana.
Could bring back the different Judgements. You’re good on mana; Judge crusader. You’re starting to run low on mana: Judge wisdom. There’s going to be a phase where you and your buddies need to survive more: Judge light.
Jesus, relax dude.
We don’t even know how the specs are going to play.
Honestly what we’ve seen so far it seems that the class will be a lot better than it currently is in BfA and I don’t see how that is one of the worst things to ever happen to the class.
I’ve seen a lot of people who main Holy request for holy power to be back since it actually gives some reason to use your dps abilities.
Now crusader strike doesn’t do anything other than dmg, but if it gives holy power then there’s actually a good reason to do some dmg if you’re able to.
It makes a lot of sense with how current Holy plays out and their insane potential dmg output, holy power only adds to it.
Also this could be really good for Prot, if they make it so that Sotr would use holy power instead of charges, it could make it a lot more consistent and predictable.
At least it’s better than just pressing what isn’t on cooldown.
If properly designed it brings much needed depth and skill to the specs and it’s much better than managing mana imo. because if you just run out of mana and you need mana for everything then it just slows down gameplay so much that it quickly becomes boring to manage.
Problem with BfA is that it wasn’t really well designed, it felt like something was missing and with these changes (and hopefully some more) it seems a lot better.
I really dislike this, so I’m thankful they’re not putting it in the game.
What this is is just wasting a global so you can start doing something that you should’ve been able to do without wasting said global.
This is the exact same reason why I never liked seals, you had 2 seals, one AoE and one ST so whenever an add phase would come up, you had to waste a global to activate it so your AoE wouldn’t feel like crap and then waste another global after that phase was done and it just felt awful and boring to do.
At least with holy power you’re always doing some damage when building it up, you’re always doing something useful without feeling held back because of a mechanic that’s built in the spec and it’s always the same.
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As a prot paladin I am NOT looking forward to having holy power back
I didn’t like it’s introduction and I was glad to see it gone
The passive we get for the holy word being instant is an indicator it will not be exactly the same but I’m verry worried about SotR in it’s current form and function and our dependancy of it going from 3 cast charges to 3 holy power cost
You should try to play a Rogue, a Feral or a WW. Sadly for you, they are removing combo points from Enhancement Shaman.
I did play protection with holy power back in the day and hated the hell out of it, when before its introduction I loved playing my protection paladin. I can only hope that we as a community can prevent the return of this terrible mechanic.
So you like the 6 9 rotation more then holy power.
You dislike the holy power now before you even know how it will connect to anything.
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“Holy Power returns as a resource for all paladins to use to fight off attackers and defend their allies. Abilities such as Crusader Strike and Hammer of Wrath grant Holy Power on use, which can then be spent to call upon the most powerful forms of Light-Including Word of Glory and Shield of Righteousness-to vangquish foes and protect allies”
So we know that WoG and SOTR will be the protection paladin spenders
“To better uphold their oath to protect the innocent, Protection Paladins now excude Shining Light-A new passive that makes the next cast of word of glory free whenever Judgment critically strikes a target, enabling protection paladins to shield themselves and defend their allies from attackers”
And we know how it will interact on things
Mind pointing to the bits we don’t know yet so I can dig further?
Blue posted a class feedback thread, they’ll likely read all posts in this thread intentionally so if you have feedback you want blue’s to read make sure you drop them here too;
Holy power actually makes the spec use class use more than one brain cell. It’s a fun addition and i’m glad to be seeing it’s return for Holy. Plus if it makes more ‘sheep’ put down my fav healing class then all the better!
I love managing Holy Power
this is only a good thing in my opinion
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i despise this change, as a healer holy power is not a fun or interesting mechanic, it is a handicap holding back our ability to respond to damage and deal with mechanics, i would very much like this change reverted. already the real power of holy is tied behind its cds that already require a lot of planing to execute properly. adding holy power into that mix is a recipe for frustration and long periods of time out side of cds and outside of spenders where your healing will be painfully low.
i am concerned that this implementation will result in needing to take frequent pauses in m+ while you wait for builders to come back around ( an issue i already experience with cool downs when healing +18/+19 keys and will result in nothing more than holding back the class and an over reliance on other healers to pick up the slack in raids.
Wipe your lips, there is still some salt.
So besides, I spoke to a main Protection Paladin, who enjoyed Prot during Warlords. Here are his logs, so ya can check that he is far from being a noob that doesnt know how to play protection paladin during WOD :
So his opinion is that : HoPo is useless for ret paladin, but prot was better with holy power in MoP/WoD than without during Legion/BFA, where you either choose between mitigation or healing. Now, you SOTR has a wayyy lower uptime than in WoD, where he was able to reach 1 minute of uptime per cast, using holy avenger.
Nah, it’s probably just the tears from your eyes.
So, even he believes Holy Power is useless for Ret.
Ok, you won. I guess just pressing a CD off cooldown is better and more skilled than trying to build and thinking aboot spending or holding.