Holy Priest: Beg you for help

Hello! I’m more or less new to this game, more seriously playing like for year. And I’m playing as Holy Priest only (even at questing, sorry). I like that spec, but…

At the end of previous season I decided to focus on PvP, so I’m fairly new to PvP.

I trying to play solo shuffle, because it’s fastest to get in, and i don’t want to wait for 20 minutes to get on rbg.

Long story short, my max at the end of last season was 1600, but current season is a disaster. I can’t do anything, and i know what to do. I lose every almost every round and I can’t even blame someone except myself. I feel like I the most garbage part of my team in every round.

I asked some people about tips what to do and how to improve, and answers was like:

  • oh, you just too bad, don’t even play arena anymore

  • oh, you just need to carefully trade your cooldowns, and play around pillars and you will be fine

  • oh, you just sh*ty spec, throw it and play disc or rpal

Damn, “carefully trade my cooldowns”?! I can’t even see anything in battle except my teammates hp bars, because it’s constantly lowering to 0 so fast. And I’m trying to press everything to hold it even a little above 0.

My teammates dying so fast, so i spend my serenity early, then i trying to sustain it with flash heals and it eats half of my mana, but it’s not heal too much, so i trying to apply shield, and pom. But that not helps too much.

So almost every round ends like this. i able to sustain for 1± minute and then:

  • they just overdamage me.

  • they realized i’m here. So they attack me, and cc me until someone dies or I press SoR and my teammates goes out of range or over the corner and i can’t heal them.

I also ask what to do with SoR, how to disable it? “Oh, you just need macro for that”. Damn, it seems this spell was designed by aliens for anyone, but not for a human beings. It was designed not by human beings and not for human beings. You need macro to cancel your spell? Why not just press it again? Why not move? This is PvP spell where mobility is mandatory and this spell makes you stationary and you need to write a macro to use it.

I’m sorry I’m so frustrated with current season. My max was 1390 and i goes lower to 1100 now. I can’t do anything to heal my team and I don’t know how to improve.

Can you help me please? Is it possible for me to improve as holy priest? What can I do? Or just drop it and respec? Or just drop and play LoL idk.

I don’t really want to play other class or spec just because it’s cool.

Thank you!

I’m no priest player, nor my healing exp is high, but a good start is to read guides, watch videos and follow any decent holy priest that are high exp and learn from their playstyles.
Use murlok io as a reference to get the best in slots, your stat priorities and practice in the skirmish modes to learn positioning, and good habits. Additionally ask around your guild or friends and find someone that can coach or teach you as you practice.

ill coach you for free add me on BTAG iridi#21174. im 2.7xp as disc and played holy till 2.4

Very few people actually know how to play with a holy priest. They pop their CDs when they think they’re dying even though the priest has it under control. They don’t use the CDs when they actually need them.

This is especially the case if you play with ray of hope, just ditch that pvp talent, it causes more harm than good because people don’t know how it works and will panic press everything even though they’re going to be full healed by it.