Holy Priest buggy

I noticed that Chakra on Holy priest is buggy. Very often after you use Chakra and the required spell to enter a Chakra state you dont get the Chakra and than you sit there for 30 seconds without a Chakra state untill Chakra is off cooldown. Furthermore u cant mouseover macro Holy Word: Serenity or bind it to an addon. This is very unconvenient because u have actually target the target you wanna heal with it.

Are this bugs known and is Blizzard working on a fix to it? I appreciate a soon reply.


The workaround I’ve found for holy words when concerning addons/macros, is to bind them all to Holy Word: Chastise

I’ve had the same chakra bug as well, regardless of the chakra state and the spell used to activate it - sometimes it just doesn’t enter a state, yet the skill still goes on cooldown.

Please blizzard fix :slight_smile:

Hey, i already sent a post to notice about chakra issue but i had no reply so i hope you get one. There’s so many thing not working atm that they should be really busy for weeks at least.

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